Wedding Spatterdash
June 11, 2013
September 16, 2014

Wedding Spatterdash

Project info
Spatterdash Wristwarmers by Dagmar Mora
HandsFingerless Gloves/Mitts
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Valley Yarns Charlemont
0.91 skeins = 399.5 yards (365.3 meters), 91 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
May 18, 2013

I knit an extra two lace repeats because my lace row gauge was wildly short.

Sept 16 - Sewed the buttons onto the second mitten. I never want to see these beautiful, beautiful mittens again.

Sept 7 - Sewed buttons to first mitten, and it was so much easier than I expected it to be. I’m a really bad sister.

Sept 2, 2014 - Bought buttons. I’m a bad sister.

Dec 17 - I finished the second mitten in late November and blocked the set earlier this month - they’re slightly different sizes, but since they get buttoned this shouldn’t be an issue. Such are the dangers of second sock syndrome! Now I just need the buttons!

September 1 - Finally got to the top of the second mitten! Let’s see if I can get these done before they turn into Christmas gifts!

July 13 - Cast on second mitten (provisional cast on). Am still not feeling enthusiastic about knitting the second but it makes me feel guilty to see the first sitting all by itself.

June 30 - Cast off edging of first mitten, finished thumb and all! These are pretty fiddly, so I think I need a little break before I knit the second mitten.

June 20 - Restarted first mitten. Third time’s a charm?

June 16 - The white yarn shows every little mistake (at least I notice it). I made it a quarter of the way through the thumb gusset increases but I have to restart. Will cast on provisionally and change all increases/decreases to be worked on right side rows.

June 11 - I’ve already started the first mitten and pulled it out once, starting again.

viewed 141 times
June 11, 2013
September 16, 2014
About this pattern
1436 projects, in 2777 queues
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About this yarn
by Valley Yarns
60% Merino, 20% Bombyx, 20% Nylon
439 yards / 100 grams

4335 projects

stashed 4451 times

thereissomuch's star rating
  • Originally queued: May 19, 2013
  • Project created: June 11, 2013
  • Finished: October 28, 2014
  • Updated: December 25, 2015
  • Progress updates: 5 updates