Embroidered Fulled Mittens
This project is an UGH!
December 22, 2011
February 2013

Embroidered Fulled Mittens

Project info
Warmest Mittens by Kris Percival
Needles & yarn
US 10 - 6.0 mm
Mystery Thrift Store Yarn
Salvation Army

I had such lofty ambitions for these mittens! I was going to embroider some bullion roses on the fronts and line them in flannel, but alas! The puppy got hold of them and pulled up my stitches. I’m not too upset about it though, the mittens got a lot of wear fall 2012 as my cold weather bicycling mittens, but I’ve just been looking at them far too long. Of course they’re salvageable as only the embroidery was damaged, but I think I’m ready to lay the whole thing to rest.

2/17/2012 Fulled the second mitten last night! It might be a tiny bit bigger than the first, but not noticeably. When I started these I thought I might embroider them after fulling them, but I’m not sure if I want to any more.

1/13/2012 The first mitten was fulled today. It’s still drying, but so far so good.

12/23/2011 I got some wool yarn from the thrift store and decided I would try fulling. I’m not sure I’ll like the finished product, but I at least want to try. And I can just give them away if I don’t think I’ll wear them.

viewed 29 times | helped 2 people
This project is an UGH!
December 22, 2011
February 2013
About this pattern
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  • Project created: December 23, 2011
  • Updated: February 21, 2013
  • Progress updates: 5 updates