song of myself
January 1, 2013
February 16, 2013

song of myself

Project info
Leaves of Grass by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
2013 GISC knitalong
modified ~ see notes
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Isager Yarn Spinni
3.26 skeins = 1075.8 yards (983.7 meters), 326 grams
Churchmouse Yarns & Teas
October 20, 2012

knitting and photos completely inspired by Jared Flood ~ I aspire to be as creative as he is! I loved this knit from the planning to the finished pictures…it’s one everyone should try ~ big bang for your buck! Very well written (charted), much easier than expected and oh, so hard to put down! I highly recommend it!!

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I exist as I am, that is enough
If no other in the world be aware I sit content
And if each and all be aware I sit content.

~ Walt Whitman (from Song of Myself - Part I)

5th annual Girls in Sheep Clothing New Years Knitalong

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project notes:

  • link to my favorite kitchener stitch video
  • I did ssk differently - slip 1 st as if to knit, slip next st as if to knit, slip both stitches back to left needle, ktbl
  • when moving beginning of round stitch marker, it really does make a difference when you do it! ~ I did it at the beg of marked rounds for chart B instead of at the end and had a big mess to frog and redo :P
  • US 2 4” dp’s : rows 1-14 of chart A
  • US 2 6” dp’s : rows 15-35 of chart A
  • US 2 16” circular : increase round and next round
  • US 4 16” circular : all of chart B rows and next round
  • US 4 32” circular : increase row, next round, chart C and up through increase row to get to 580st
  • US 4 60” circular : switched over to this as soon as I had 580 st on the needles
  • only did chart D the first time through
  • beaded chart E (see below for bead type) ~ 8 beads per repeat so 576 beads total…I placed on wrong side rows so if you count the slipped stitch as st #1 they are placed as follows: row 2-stitch 11, row 4-stitch 6, row 6-stitch 13, row 8-stitch 8, row 10-stitch 13, row 12-stitch 6, row 14-stitch 11, row 16-stitch 4
  • I use the crochet hook method for beading ~ for this knit I purled the st first, then placed the bead on the worked stitch and replaced it on the right needle
  • unblocked diameter is 33”
  • blocked diameter is 46”

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2-8-2013 - the edging will be beaded ~ I’m adding 8 beads per chart repeat for a total of 576 beads (they’re size 6 matte opaque dark metallic brown round Japanese seed beads from Fusion Beads

this color is really similar to the shade of French Gray in the middle lace on my Bridgewater ~ it’s got just a tinge of brown to it

this is my first laceweight pure new wool project ~ it seems so much coarser than the merino, alpaca, silk blends I’ve used in the past ~ excited to try something new!

viewed 4999 times | helped 29 people
January 1, 2013
February 16, 2013
About this pattern
663 projects, in 1648 queues
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About this yarn
by Isager Yarn
100% Wool
328 yards / 50 grams

5391 projects

stashed 5456 times

twoknitwit's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 17, 2012
  • Project created: December 30, 2012
  • Finished: February 16, 2013
  • Updated: June 24, 2015
  • Progress updates: 15 updates