September 26, 2009
December 2, 2011


Project info
Anhinga by Norah Gaughan
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Berroco Comfort Solids & Heathers
315 yards in stash
4.5 skeins = 945.0 yards (864.1 meters), 450 grams
Crazy Girl Yarn Shop in Coralville, Iowa
September 9, 2009

I have started this sweater 5 times. The fifth time better be the last. I was going to do the back and fronts as one piece, but I’m doing it in pieces to control my rebellous stockinette.

Gahhhh! I forgot to do the waist-shaping on the front parts…again. I’m not going back to put them in, so I hope it doesn’t look demented when I’m done. On a positive note, my stockinette is amazing. After so much practice on this sweater, it should be!

I have itty-bitty arms. I’m tempted to try making the sleeves without any shaping. The sleeve I ripped out was awfully baggy, but my gauge was bigger than called for, so I think I’ll just try it on as I go.

The first sleeve is going pretty well. I’m trying it on and increasing and decreasing as necessary. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I get to the cap, but one step at a time. So far I’ve only needed to shape the elbow. I got a very interesting increase and decrease pattern as a result. I’m really fond of it. Pictures when I’m done.

Finally done! This is probably the only sweater I’ve ever made that fits exactly how I want it to fit. I’m hoping a good wash will make it a tad drapier, but it’s a good sweater. My only issues are that this yarn is absolutley unforgiving. It shows EVERYTHING. I also have a very special sleeve, but I don’t think anyone will notice besides me. I’m going to wear it on Monday to show it off!

As much as I hate to do it, I’ve decided I need to reknit the body in a larger size. I’ll wear it much more frequently and love it all the more. I certainly have plenty of leftover yarn to do it. I’ll make it a winter project.

Turned into a spring project. I’m redoing it without any but the necessary seams. It’s going pretty quickly!

I finished it pretty quickly, but had to redo the collar and most of the center panel because I was hasty and knit those parts without letting the frogged yarn relax. The whole sweater is a little kinky in spots. A steaming may take care of the worst of it (I feel like I’ve said that before about my wonky stockinette :S). I’ll have it all finished in no time. ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

I should never comment on how quickly I think I can knit something. It’s a kiss of delay. But IT’S FINALLY DONE! I have to block the shit out of it and kill anyone who glimpses the inside (it’s UGLY in there), but it’s finally a safe and whole sweater. YAY! This calls for a drink…or three….

Truefacts: should have left it alone after I officially finished it the first time. I have learned a lot about yarn substitution since I began this project and nylon’s properties =/= alpaca’s properties. I do love this design, though. Maybe some day I’ll redo it in appropriate yarn. :/ I’ll kill the yarn before I officially decide whether this one will get any wear.

viewed 1528 times | helped 2 people
September 26, 2009
December 2, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Nylon, 50% Acrylic
210 yards / 100 grams

33863 projects

stashed 19598 times

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  • Project created: September 10, 2009
  • Finished: December 2, 2011
  • Updated: April 7, 2012
  • Progress updates: 3 updates