Sampler the First
March 10, 2011
March 17, 2011

Sampler the First

Project info
24" wide x 60" long (on rigid heddle loom)
Tools and equipment
24" RH Loaner from Janet
Aunt Janet's Handspun
250 grams in stash
March 10, 2011
Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece

My first weaving project, a sampler warped by Janet onto her old rigid heddle loom and loaned to me to practice on.

Edited 6/16/11 to add: Yardage used estimated at approx. 500 yards, using this calculator.

3/10/11: Attended rigid heddle weaving demo at local fiber guild March meeting; borrowed Janet’s loom.

3/12/11: Practiced plain weave; added a sword to my arsenal of tricks to deepen the shallow shed on this loom.

3/13/11: Added some 2x2 and 4x4 leno twists

3/14/11: worked with 2 swords/pick-up sticks to create additional sheds for denser weave (trying to find name of pattern, if anyone knows)

3/15/11: ‘Brooks Bouquet’ lace pattern from Ashford (causing weft yarn to untwist); also added a row of multi-colored loose mohair & wensleydale locks, and 3 rows of orange silk noil

3/16/11: Clasped weft section, ended with plain weave.

3/17/11: Cut off the loom & wove in the ends. I’m officially hooked on weaving.

viewed 562 times | helped 3 people
March 10, 2011
March 17, 2011
About this yarn
by Brown Sheep
80% Pima, 20% Merino
215 yards / 100 grams

17350 projects

stashed 13722 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
  • Project created: March 14, 2011
  • Finished: March 17, 2011
  • Updated: August 31, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates