The Beast
November 3, 2006
August 2006

The Beast

Project info
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
US 9 - 5.5 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
US 11 - 8.0 mm
US 13 - 9.0 mm
US 15 - 10.0 mm
US 17 - 12.0 mm
US 19 - 15.0 mm
US 35 - 19.0 mm
US 50 - 25.0 mm
Angora Bunny Lady Moe Hair Handspun
49 grams in stash
Arcata Farmer's Market
Adriafil Grape
109 yards in stash
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Atelier Zitron Wickede
Art Deco
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Bernat Camouflage Solids
Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
COLORBOMB Creations LoopyDoopy Handspun
my handspun
COLORBOMB Creations Singleton Handspun
my handspun
COLORBOMB Creations Singular TnT Handspun
my handspun
COLORBOMB Creations Singular TnT Handspun
my handspun
COLORBOMB Creations TnT Plus! Handspun
my handspun
COLORBOMB Creations TooFly TwoPly Handspun
my handspun
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
110 yards in stash
Handmade Memories
Cascade Yarns ® Cascade 220®
110 yards in stash
Fabric Temptations
Cascade Yarns ® Sierra Quatro
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Classic Elite Yarns La Gran Mohair (76/17/6)
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Colinette Point 5
Colinette Wigwam
Crystal Palace Yarns Cotton Chenille Solid
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Crystal Palace Yarns Deco Ribbon
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Crystal Palace Yarns Punk
gift from Cole
Crystal Palace Yarns Tingle
Filatura Di Crosa Baby Dolce Amore
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Himalaya Yarn (Nepal) Tibet Wool Silk
received at holiday gift exchange
Koigu Painter's Palette Premium Merino (KPPPM)
Lana Grossa India
Lane Cervinia Le Fibre Nobili Geisha
gift from Cole
Manos del Uruguay Wool Clasica
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Material Whirled Unique Handspun
Midnight & Lulu Handspun
Noro Kureyon(くれよん)
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Ornaghi Filati Bamboo
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Patons North America SWS (Soy Wool Stripes)
Plymouth Yarn Salsa
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Reynolds Mohair Classique
Rowan Cotton Braid
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Rowan Handknit Cotton
Rowan Kidsilk Haze
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California
Sandnes Garn Funny
Trendsetter Yarns Aura
Fabric Temptations in Arcata, California Peruvian Baby Silk
skacel collection, Inc. Gatto
skacel collection, Inc. Posh

NOTE: Looks like I have the longest project notes on Ravelry & I’ve exceeded the limit of ~65000 characters even tho less than half appears here. For the balance, see here.

This is my first freeform project. It is both knit and crochet (approx. 75/25 I’d say).

Begun as a member of the Freeform Knitting 365 group on Flickr. Our challenge: knit or crochet every day for 365 consecutive days on one piece. Unfortunately, I crapped out after ~9 months. Not sure where it will go now…

Yarns used more than once were only entered the 1st time they appear (indicating the 1st colorway used) to keep the list of yarns reasonable.

In addition to yarn it contains wire, recycled plastic bags, fabric scraps, memento mori, jewelry, beads, my handspun, 3-D sculpture, vintage trim, buttons, a face, a boob… As a group, we all decided on a collective motto: “It is what it is because I say it is.” In that vein, maintenance (weaving in ends, stitching, etc.) & non-knit/crochet embellishment were all considered as “counting”; as long as we worked on our piece & documented our progress for the group, we were considered current.

The individual photos are of some of my favorite elements. To see the entire project, see my FF365 Filckr set. Be sure to read the comments on Flickr for more info.

Date: November 3, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 10.5US
Yarn: Crystal Palace Deco-Ribbon, color 301(orange)
Stitch pattern: Garter w/ random increases/decreases
Notes: yarn remnants from this project

Date: November 4, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 1 7US and 1 E crochet hook
Yarn: unlabeled remnants from this project
Stitch pattern: stockinette stripes w/ random increases and decreases
Notes: didn’t have proper needles handy, so used what was to hand.

Date: November 5, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon from one of the hundreds of beanies I’ve made
Stitch pattern: stockinette; 3 needle bind-off to connect pieces
Notes: this piece was supposed to be something else; details here.

Date: November 6, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: unlabeled laddered tape yarn from this project
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette
Notes: none

Date: November 7, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 8US and 9US
Yarn: Cascade 220 leftovers from the Noni Bobbles Bobbles Everywhere Bag
Stitch pattern: pick up stitches around edge & knit in seed stitch
Notes: having some trouble working the curve; originally knit these rows w/ boucle, but the texture of the yarn both hid the work & stretched the curve into a line, so I reknit w/ a more consistent, smaller gauge yarn which helped a lot

Date: November 8, 2006
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Bernat Acrylic in Hunter Orange leftovers from Hallowig
Stitch pattern: bobbles learned for the thong
Notes: I love doing bobbles!

Date: November 9, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: unlabeled wool boucle leftovers from Critter Scarf
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette, to coaxe the nubs to float to the front
Notes: wanted to make a ‘wedge’ shape; need to learn short-rows for this, I think

Date: November 10, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Adriafil ‘Grape’ bobble-y yarn leftovers from Genius Scarf
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette, to coaxe the nubs to float to the front (again)
Notes: looks like i’ve got an obsession w/ nubs & bumps, eh?

Date: November 11, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scraps
Stitch pattern: stockinette decreased into 2 points
Notes: I like the ‘flags’ that Amber has been doing, & thought I’d incorporate some too

DAY 10
Date: November 12, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Cascade Quatro scraps from Tax Shell(ter)
Stitch pattern: garter w/ increases and yarnovers
Notes: I’ve never done lace, so this is the closest I’ve come; thinking of threading something through the open space tomorrow…

DAY 11
Date: November 13, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Plymouth Salsa scraps from this project
Stitch pattern: garter
Notes: the piece seemed like it needed some cool color to contrast w/ all the orange & pink

DAY 12
Date: November 14, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille scraps from this project
Stitch pattern: cable
Notes: only recently learned cabling, & love it. wanted to see how one would look in chenille; i quite like it.

DAY 13
Date: November 15, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: 1/2 in. strips of tulle fabric
Stitch pattern: garter
Notes: seeing Knitsocks' piece today, with it’s incorporated ribbons, made me want to do something similar

DAY 14
Date: November 16, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: unlabeled coarse (wool blend?) yarn from Natasha in a swap
Stitch pattern: stockinette picked up between 2 points
Notes: this is extra coarse yarn, hemp-like even, that looks like bad 70s shag; fits perfectly!

November 16, 2006 - Overhead Grand View of entire piece HERE

Group Leader Amber Dorko Stopper asked for an overhead shot; here it is! Blogged.

DAY 15
Date: November 17, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: unlabeled coarse (wool blend?) yarn from Natasha in a swap, comingled w/ Lamb’s Pride Worsted from this project.
Stitch pattern: seed stitch
Notes: it was fun blending 2 yarns this way

DAY 16
Date: November 18, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Cascade 220 remnants from this project
Stitch pattern: random knit/purls alternated to fill space
Notes: this section is the most freeform to date; i just knit or purl as the mood struck, & picked up stitches along the edge.

DAY 17
Date: November 19, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Cascade 220 remnants from this project
Stitch pattern: 5 stitch ‘arch’ using increases and decreases on alternating stockinette and garter stitches
Notes: although i find this section somewhat ugly,knit from left to right, i achieved my purpose; i attached on the right side w/ 3needle bind-off

DAY 18
Date: November 20, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: jelly cord
Stitch pattern: garter w/ yarnovers
Notes: that was fun! i think this will look better under tension, which i’m planning

DAY 19
Date: November 21, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 10.5US
Yarn: same yarn as this day + glass bead rescued from 1985 and my bead box
Stitch pattern: alternating garter and stockinette
Notes: this is the first time i’ve used the needles my sweetie made me

DAY 20
Date: November 22, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: eyelash yarn
Stitch pattern: garter
Notes: after attaching the yellow to the arch at the top, i knit perpendicular to it in eyelash; i like how it looks like the face of a child or an animal or a skeleton (to me)

DAY 21
Date: November 23, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Cascade 220
Stitch pattern: seed stitch
Notes: i love this curvey border; needed to go back to it and cool it down in prep for tomorrow

DAY 22
Date: November 24, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: thrifted orange eyelash yarn
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette stitch
Notes: thought the curvy border needed another row, and i love how silky this yarn is; quite tactilly pleasing

DAY 23
Date: November 25, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: thrifted red wool + plastic beads
Stitch pattern: beaded reverse stockinette stitch
Notes: this is my first beaded knitting; i really enjoyed it!

DAY 24
Date: November 26, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: strip of tulle fabric
Stitch pattern: i ran it through the live stitches w/ a darning needle, and picked up a stitch every 4th
Notes: i wanted something quick today, and this was fun; softest, sparkliest tulle i’ve ever seen

DAY 25
Date: November 27, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 11US
Yarn: ribbon handmade from cerise (warp) and chartreuse (weft) taffetta fabric
Stitch pattern: garter stitch
Notes: i love how this turned out, especially the colors

DAY 26
Date: November 28, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scraps
Stitch pattern: continental or twisted stocking stitch
Notes: the detail of the stitch pattern only shows in larger view; it’s subtler than i expected, i think due to the fuzzy nature of the yarn

DAY 27
Date: November 29, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scraps
Stitch pattern: stamen stitch set off by stockinette
Notes: i chose this stitch because of it’s name ;)

November 29, 2006 - Overhead Grand View #2 HERE

DAY 28
Date: November 30, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Trendsetter Aura
Stitch pattern: mostly reverse stockinette stitch
Notes: i’ve been wanting to add this far days, and today felt right; the picture just doesn’t do it justice!

DAY 29
Date: December 1, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: La Gran mohair
Stitch pattern: k2tog, yo lace
Notes: don’t laugh, but this is the first openwork lace i’ve done. wait ‘til you see what’s next (can you tell i’m excited?)

DAY 30
Date: December 2, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Cascade 220
Stitch pattern: seed stitch
Notes: after seaming the 2 halves below it, i made this little ‘frame’ for tomorrow’s embellishment

DAY 31
Date: December 3, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: gold mylar thread and resin button
Stitch pattern: i-cord
Notes: i spent a few hours making i-cord using my Embellish Knitter (handcrank i-cord maker); it is tacked down in the corners and ‘flows’ freely around the green, pink, and gold button (best viewed at large scale to see irridescence)

DAY 32
Date: December 4, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: vintage 4-ply gold metallic (DK weight?)
Stitch pattern: i-cord
Notes: this was the first attempt at yesterday’s i-cord embellishment; it was too short and too heavy for that, but looks good here. this stuff is not quitte yarn and not quite wire, and looks better stretched out, so i might try putting some tension in it. (must be the day for i-cord).

DAY 33
Date: December 5, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: sheer organza ribbon
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: remember the lace pattern in the mohair? i knew i wanted to thread a ribbon through it, and today i found the right one. this was a remnant given to me by my friend Carla, proprietress extraordinaire of Sew What? in Arcata, CA. thanks, girl! (this ribbon is more purple in person, btw)

DAY 34
Date: December 6, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 11US
Yarn: handspun yarn in wool and Cotswald lamb locks
Stitch pattern: garter stitch
Notes: I liked the handspun I made for other members of the FF365 group so much I decided to spin something specifically for my own piece

DAY 35
Date: December 7, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 11US
Yarn: vintage 1/2in. cut-on-the-bias tape, unknown fiber content
Stitch pattern: garter stitch
Notes: this makes a very firm fabric; i’m thinking it might be a good anchor for something…

DAY 36
Date: December 8, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 3.5mm/E crochet hook
Yarn: Skacel ‘Posh’ eyelash yarn
Stitch pattern: single chain crochet
Notes: let me begin by saying that i do not crochet; i have tension issues. but i wanted to edge this area and keep it as sinuous as possible. although this required an inordinate amount of time due to my lack of skills, i am pleased with the way it turned out.

December 8, 2006 - Overhead Grand View #3 HERE

DAY 37
Date: December 9, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 8US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scrap
Stitch pattern: alternating garter and stockinette
Notes: i had absolutely no motivation today, and this was the third thing i tried before i liked the results. i do like the 3D effect (hard to see in the photo) of the ‘pooched’ orange yarn next to it

DAY 38
Date: December 10, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: purple pompon hairtie
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: this purple bobble is a souvenir of my 2004 Burning Man experience; it is the remaining half of a hairtie, and brings back memories out the ass. tucked into yesterday’s ‘pooch,’ the dimensionality is much more apparent today.

DAY 39
Date: December 11, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scraps & vintage Chinese glass ring (c. 1920s)
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: do you remember this day's addition? i wasn’t that pleased with it (boring) and it kept wanting to curl. so i decided to let it dictate its use to me, and decided to tack it down as a tube. when i remembered the ring, once attached to a silk tassel and used as a handle on a vintage rattan sewing box (like this one), i knew it needed to anchor the ring. voila!

DAY 40
Date: December 12, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: Atelier Zitron Wickede ‘Art deco’
Stitch pattern: modular knitting, from this pattern
Notes: while reading another blog i ran across a reference to Iris Schreier’s modular knitting technique on Knitty Gritty, and i’ve always wanted to try it. are these short rows? after the first try it was easy-peasy. i also made a mosaic of the process here. also, blogged about it.

DAY 41
Date: December 13, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: Atelier Zitron Wickede ‘Art deco’ and glass button
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: yesterday's addition wasn’t really doing it for me; it seemed incomplete. i wanted it to look more like a flower. so today i pulled each of the modules together by seaming up the back, forming more of a ‘cup’ shape. i knew i wanted to put something in the center, and today is santa lucia day, so i added a glass button from my stash that resembles an eye, one of the icons used to represent lucia.

DAY 42
Date: December 14, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: COLORBOMB Creations handspun (mine): Pippins and Plums
Stitch pattern: stockinette
Notes: in person it isn’t as dark & burgundy but pinker

DAY 43
Date: December 15, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 9US
Yarn: Himalayan Yarn Co. ‘Tibet Wool & Recycled Silk’ + beads (resin?)
Stitch pattern: stockinette w/ beaded pattern modified from Knitting with Beads by Jane Davis
Notes: these beads had a previous life as an 80s necklace; this is my 2nd beading effort, and i enjoyed following a pattern this time. this was done using ‘beaded knitting’ technique (beads all in front), not ‘bead knitting’ (beads in front and back). also: i like bead knitting so much a started a new flickr group yesterday: Beaded Knitting & Crochet. please consider joining us!

DAY 44
Date: December 16, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: COLORBOMB Creations handspun (mine) in ‘Carnival’, leftovers from a hat i knit for a friend
Stitch pattern: stockinette in the round tube
Notes: after knitting a tube, i picked up stitches around it and attached using a 3-needle bindoff (there are also live stitches at the top).

DAY 45
Date: December 17, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 4US
Yarn: Filati Bamboo (green) and Filatura di Crosa ‘Dolce Amore’ cotton (pink)
Stitch pattern: stockinette stranded colorwork in a ruffle
Notes: this is another first for me: i’ve never done stranded colorwork before. very pleased with the results. i also did a lot of maintenance, including adding a 2nd crocheted strand to Day 36 and re-attaching the gold i-cord from Day 32.

DAY 46
Date: December 18, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: today i added the beaded mirror medallion that i bought for myself when i got one for Knitsocks (she incorporated hers on her Day 40).

DAY 47
Date: December 19, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: another day of embellishment: 3 orange tassels added to the cone or ‘volcano’ added on Day 44.

DAY 48
Date: December 20, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch pattern: n/a
Notes: yet another day of embellishment: infinity symbol in magenta cotton bias tape, added to Day 35 for tape-on-tape.

DAY 49
Date: December 21, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 5US
Yarn: 1 (metallic boucle) strand of a 2-strand unlabeled yarn; the other (mohair) strand i sent to villageknittiot for her piece
Stitch pattern: loop stitch from nicky epstein’s Knitted Embellishments
Notes: finally felt motivated and inspired to knit something, rather than just embellish.

December 21, 2006 - Overhead Grand View #4 HERE

DAY 50
Date: December 22, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 9US
Yarn: Lana Grossa ‘India’ microfiber ribbon
Stitch pattern: picked up stitches knit in stockinette
Notes: i really like how this turned out; i might use this yarn again in this project. this spot is unusual, as i bound off the stitches rather than leaving them ‘live’ as i usually do

DAY 51
Date: December 23, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 5US
Yarn: unlabeled boucle yarn, doubled
Stitch pattern: picked up 1 stitch, knit in stockinette
Notes: this bit is weird. not sure what it will morph into. might become a free-hanging sausage bit.

DAY 52
Date: December 24, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 5US
Yarn: metallic cone yarn, doubled
Stitch pattern: picked up 1 stitch, knit in garter
Notes: figured i’d continue on w/ the sausage fingers.

DAY 53
Date: December 25, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 11US
Yarn: Le fibre nobili ‘Geisha’
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette
Notes: i wanted to use ribbon from a christmas package, but didn’t receive anything suitable. then i realized that all 3 skeins of yarn i received from santa cole are perfect for this project! here’s the first one. very soft.

DAY 54
Date: December 26, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 5US
Yarn: Crystal Palace ‘Punk’
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette
Notes: 2nd of 3 yarns i got from cole for christmas; picked up underneath the noro ‘loop’ that holds the chinese glass ring. (i put something up on the discussion board about why i missed posting this until 12/27)

DAY 55
Date: December 27, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 4US
Yarn: unlabeled boucle yarn, doubled
Stitch pattern: garter
Notes: another sausage bit, in the same yarn as Day 51.

DAY 56
Date: December 28, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 4US
Yarn: unlabeled wool; came w/ my Bond Embellish Knitter (which i love)
Stitch pattern: reverse stockinette
Notes: some days i like better than others. this is one of them. first, i love the way this turned out. second, these paillettes are my response to the Mini Challenge: Something STOLEN. i ‘picked these up’ last week while shopping for Christmas ornaments at Pier 1; they were not for sale, but used like confetti on several tables. i felt very naughty. ;) thanks to amber for letting me share her day of stolen knitting.

DAY 57
Date: December 29, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 4US
Yarn: Skacel ‘Gatto’
Stitch pattern: garter
Notes: some furry goodness today

DAY 58
Date: December 30, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: satin cord
Stitch pattern: garter short rows
Notes: it looks prettier in person, i think; more contrasty. had fun w/ shortrows.

DAY 59
Date: December 31, 2006
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Colinette ‘Wigwam’ in what i call the ice cream colorway
Stitch pattern: garter stitch
Notes: i’ve had this yarn in my stash since just after i learned to knit in 2002; i like how it looks here. B I G plans for tomorrow - have a happy new year’s eve!!

DAY 60
Date: January 1, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US and 10US
Yarn: local mohair handspun by The Angora Bunny Lady from ‘Moe’ the goat
Stitch pattern: garter stitch ruffle
Notes: this ruffle extends another 20" or so to the left of the frame

DAY 61
Date: January 2, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 13US
Yarn: satin cord
Stitch pattern: garter stitch
Notes: i had absolutely zero motivation or inspiration today; i put in and took out several other things before settling, unhappily, on this. maybe it will look better tomorrow.

DAY 62
Date: January 3, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 13US
Yarn: handspun mohair from Material Whirled (I think); same as what i sent to village knittiot, and that i used in this hat
Stitch pattern: stockinette stitch
Notes: after unsuccessfully trying to make this silver flower, i decided to incorporate some blue; i like it.

January 3, 2007 - Overhead Grand View #5 HERE

DAY 63
Date: January 4, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: found the box that has my charms in it, so here’s my ‘vision’ milagro earring, attached w/ a wee clothespin; my idea is that this is a mobile adornment w/o permanent attachment

DAY 64
Date: January 5, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: eyelash yarn from this project
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: still working out how to avoid the hole in short rows.

DAY 65
Date: January 6, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: eyelash yarn from this project
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: thanks to amber and knitsocks, i’ve got short-rows down cold now: the wrap, slip, wrap, slip trick did it. now i have ears, and only 300 days to go! haha!

DAY 66
Date: January 7, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 8US
Yarn: handspun from one of my 1st batts
Stitch Pattern: stockinette
Notes: wish you could see the sparkle in the yarn, but my flash washes it out. (not uploaded until 1/8 due to ISP outtage, again).

DAY 67
Date: January 8, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: double-stranded mystery novelty yarn
Stitch Pattern: reverse stockinette
Notes: took me awhile to choose a yarn today, but this is perfect here, i think.

DAY 68
Date: January 9, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 6US
Yarn: unidentified novelty yarn
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: wee little addition today; a tooth (or prayer flag if you will), a la amber.

DAY 69
Date: January 10, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: scrap of my COLORBOMB Creations handspun
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: i picked up stitches then immediately bound them off. super bulky.

DAY 70
Date: January 11, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: 2ply yarn scrap from Beapea7
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: a 5 stitch lil’ bit w/ a 5" yarn scrap; now that’s making do with what you’ve got!

DAY 71
Date: January 12, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: COLORBOMB Creations handspun (mine), double-stranded
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: there is a tiny bit of sparkle in this yarn, but it’s hard to see here; got to do something with that weird huge purple stitch on the side - or not.

DAY 72
Date: January 13, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 8US
Yarn: red elastic cord, Manos del Uruguay ‘Lava’ colorway, and 3 fabric scraps
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: i did one of the mini-challenges today, incorporating a found item into my piece. on wednesday i found 3 2" square cotton fabric pieces, like quilt pieces, and today i found a piece of cord that looked like it was on a package. i knit the cord, slipped the fabric pieces in to the stitches, and knit behind them w/ the Manos yarn.

DAY 73
Date: January 14, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 15US
Yarn: Colinette Point 5 (remnant from this hat) and mercerized cotton sewing thread
Stitch Pattern: scribble lace in stockinette
Notes: i’ve wanted to try this technique, from debbie new’s Unexpected Knitting, for a long time. it was much more difficult than i expected; i had lots of tension problems. i’m hoping that it looks better when attached to the piece.

DAY 74
Date: January 15, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: Colinette Point 5 (remnant from this hat) and mercerized cotton thread
Stitch Pattern: scribble lace in stockinette
Notes: ok, i was super lazy today, and all i did was attach yesterday’s piece; so sue me.

DAY 75
Date: January 16, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 4US
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM (remnant from this hat)
Stitch Pattern: stockinette and asymmetrical garter stripes
Notes: i really like what i did today; the staggered garter stitch rows are difficult to see because they are obscured by the color striping, but i like the subtlety.

DAY 76
Date: January 17, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: these 2 buttons were the eyes on my raggedy ann doll my mother made me when i was a child (RA finally ‘died’ when i was about 30; cause of death: rotting flesh - it wasn’t pretty)

DAY 77
Date: January 18, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 13US
Yarn: Colinette Point 5 remnants from this project
Stitch Pattern: stockinette
Notes: i attached this piece using a 3-needle bindoff

DAY 78
Date: January 19, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 2US
Yarn: 2/8 wool mill ends
Stitch Pattern: triple slip coating from Barbara Walker’s 3rd volume
Notes: now i know why i rarely knit w/ #2 needles! this took me all day (really). totally worth it though; i love it.

DAY 79
Date: January 20, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: sewed on 2 buttons received from Lampe's Lumps in the artyarn spinners magic yarn ball swap

DAY 80
Date: January 21, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 000US (1.5mm)
Yarn: 12/2 rayon cone yarn
Stitch Pattern: stockinette
Notes: prayer flags (not teeth) to honor my online friend Debbie, who lost her 22yo daughter Lisa in a car accident yesterday.

January 22, 2007 - Overhead Grand View #6 HERE. The piece is now approx. 30" tall and 36" wide. This incorporates Day 1 (Nov. 3) to Day 80 (Jan. 21). Blogged here.

DAY 81
Date: January 22, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: orange grosgrain ribbon from my scrap bag
Stitch Pattern: stockinette
Notes: after all that time w/ the blog today, didn’t have much left for actual knitting.

DAY 82
Date: January 23, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon from my scrap bag
Stitch Pattern: stockinette
Notes: a 2nd day of Just. One. Row. should help keep this thing from being large enough to carpet my house with when i’m done though.

DAY 83
Date: January 24, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 3US
Yarn: Filatura di Crosa ‘Dolce Amore’ cotton
Stitch Pattern: hexagon slip-stitch pattern from BW’s vol. 1
Notes: i had more energy today. ;) marked this pattern to try a few weeks ago. adore the honeycomb stitch pattern!

DAY 84
Date: January 25, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 13US
Yarn: handspun from Artemis, received (today) for the Spin2Knit swap
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: this was for the mini-challenge "5 blue stitches, no questions asked"

DAY 85
Date: January 26, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: another bit out of my yarn scrap bag, this one uber soft and green
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: needed another quickie today, hence another one row stripe

DAY 86
Date: January 27, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 7US
Yarn: Manos del Uruguay ‘Citric’ and ‘Magenta’
Stitch Pattern: garter short rows
Notes: i liked the pattern and colors of my new FO, Tychus, that i decided to incorporate it here

DAY 87
Date: January 28, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: Sandnes Garn synthetic eyelash yarn scraps
Stitch Pattern: single crochet
Notes: i wanted something between the Colinette (left) and COLORBOMB handspun (right); i had some 8" scraps, and i tied them together, added a crochet stripe and leaving the ends exposed on the front side of the piece.

DAY 88
Date: January 29, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: US #1, 2, 3, and 4
Yarn: cotton, rayon, and novelty yarn scraps
Stitch Pattern: 3D stockinette, stuffed w/ polyfill
Notes: inspired by this photo of sylvie baumgartel’s art. scale shot here. AND i learned provisional cast-on today to keep the stitches at the base ‘live’ and ease the attachment process. busy day.

DAY 89
Date: January 30, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: US #2
Yarn: red wire (unknown gauge, very small) and gold seed beads
Stitch Pattern: garter w/ random increases
Notes: i liked doing my first wire knitting so much, i thought i’d do some for this project.

OK, new mini-challenge:
The image on the left is what i knit today. Please leave a comment here and ‘vote’ for the placement you like best: Day 59 (top), Day 1 (middle), or Day 66 (bottom). Whichever location receives the most ‘votes’ here before tomorrow evening at 5pm Pacific time will be the new home for today’s piece.

DAY 90
Date: January 31, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: US #2
Yarn: red wire (unknown gauge, very small) and gold seed beads
Stitch Pattern: garter w/ random increases
Notes: the results are in, and this placement is the favorite of the 3 options (see yesterday - thanks for voting), so i attached it here; i also wove in a lot of ends today

DAY 91
Date: February 1, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: US #6
Yarn: unlabeled, cotton? (gifted to me)
Stitch Pattern: stockinette on left, garter on right
Notes: knit from cable needle still attached to Day 47, attached to left side, bound off; then picked up stitches along right side, knit and attached to Day 18. (uploaded 2/2/07 due to login problems on 2/1/07).

DAY 92
Date: February 2, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: G/6 hook
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scrap
Stitch Pattern: singe, double, triple, and half-double crochet
Notes: I took a beginning crochet class at my LYS today, and I made this! simply had to put it in the work, but I don’t know where yet, so I’m posting the piece alone, a la amber today. I know this is a knit project, but I figured that I could fall back on the "It is what it is because I say it is" motto; if sewing on a button counts, then this does too. ;)

DAY 93
Date: February 3, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 1US
Yarn: Rowan cotton gifted by Rachel (thanks again!!)
Stitch Pattern: random increases, decreases, and yarnovers in stockinette
Notes: turned yesterday’s crochet bit on it’s side, picked up stitches, and did the first true freeform in a bit: i had no plan, no stitch pattern template, just an idea that i’d knit ‘randomly’. foundation for tomorrow.

DAY 94
Date: February 4, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: 3US, 5US, and 7US
Yarn: 2ply tencel handspun gifted by Rachel
Stitch Pattern: short rows in garter stitch
Notes: this is the first time i’ve worked with tencel, and it’s a dream. i’m going to have to try spinning myself some; thanks, rachel, for turning me on to the beauty of tencel! i’m getting better at my short-rows, too.

DAY 95
Date: February 5, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: D and F crochet hooks
Yarn: 2ply laceweight Blue Faced Leicester handspun gifted by Rachel
Stitch Pattern: half-double crochet border
Notes: not only did i get to use Rachel’s wonderful handspun today, but i used my nana’s hooks. one i believe is bone or ivory, the other i think is an early plastic, possibly bakelite. lots of history.

DAY 96
Date: February 6, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #8US
Yarn: mohair (green and pink) and wool (blue) plied w/ thread (handspun from Midnight and Lulu)
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: today i found in my stash a little baggie of handspun mini-skeins that Midnight and Lulu enclosed in an order i made several years ago; i’d forgotten all about these yarns, which are almost all perfectly suited to this project. expect to see more of them. i also added the separate bit from the past 4 days.

DAY 97
Date: February 7, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #9US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scrap
Stitch Pattern: stockinette cone w/ provisional cast-on
Notes: not sure where this little nose will end up, but i will graft it on like i did Day x88’s contribution. placed here temporarily for scale.

DAY 98
Date: February 8, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: feeling like crap again today, so not up for much. i attached an acrylic bead to Day 88.

DAY 99
Date: February 9, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #9US
Yarn: Noro Kureyon scraps
Stitch Pattern: stockinette tube in the round, w/ provisional cast-on
Notes: i liked the nose so much, i made another 3-D piece; not sure where this one will reside either.

DAY 100
Date: February 10, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #2US
Yarn: vintage 3-ply crewel wool
Stitch Pattern: seed stitch 3-D wave
Notes: i had big plans for Day 100, but it looks like my idea will take some more engineering; in lieu of that, here’s my orange snake, which still needs permanent attachment.

Also: WHEE, TRIPLE DIGITS! In honor of Day 100, there’s a brand new grand view here. congrats to Knitsocks for making it to Day 100, too.

February 10, 2007 - Overhead Grand View #7 HERE. (Photo reached #126 in Flickr’s Explore/Interestingness tally on 2/12/07)

It is Day 100 (!), and it’s time for a new grand view. Still measuring approximately 30" by 36", there are still several bits that need to be permanently attached. Keeping them unattached or loosely attached allows for flexibility and facilitates manipulation.

Today I realized that I would like this piece to be circular when complete, to continue the round motif appearing repeatedly in the work. I’m thinking of using a large, steel ring to anchor the circumference, lacing the piece to it when complete.

DAY 101
Date: February 11, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #10.5 and #7US
Yarn: Cascade 220 from this project
Stitch Pattern: garter and stockinette
Notes: i am so in love with the ruffles from Day 60, i really wanted to keep them intact. so i picked up stitches from underneath and above where the ruffle began, and knit a foundation that will lie, unseen, beneath it and offer a base from which to continue working down the piece. for the photo, i flipped the ruffle back to expose today’s bit.

DAY 102
Date: February 12, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #2US
Yarn: Peruvian Collection ‘Baby Silk’ alpaca/silk blend, unlabeled 2ply novelty yarn, and handmade/handbeaded button - all gifted by the lovely knitsocks!. thank you, girl!
Stitch Pattern: horizontal bar stitch from FREEformations: Design and Projects in Knitting and Crochet by Jenny Dowd.
Notes: i’ve got to wax thankful for both the wonderful goodie box that finally arrived today (THANK you, ks!), containing this wonderful button, and this new book, which i just got this week. as far as i’m concerned, it is THE freeform book (i think i have them all). this pattern, which creates a warp fabric to weave another yarn through, made the perfect frame for my button.

DAY 103
Date: February 13, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #2US
Yarn: unlabeled 3ply mohair novelty yarn gifted by the lovely knitsocks!. again, thank you, girl!
Stitch Pattern: short-row flower from FREEformations: Design and Projects in Knitting and Crochet by Jenny Dowd.
Notes: more yarn from the knitsocks box o’ goodness, and another motif from freeformations. i first tried a crochet pattern that was apparently too advanced for my current skill level; this was a good 2nd choice.

DAY 104
Date: February 14, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #11, 13, 15US
Yarn: 5yds. printed fabric tape
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: this ‘Love’ tape was one of the first things i purchased specifically for this project; i’ve been waiting for Valentine’s Day to incorporate it. there is a long (treacley) blog post about it here. i hope you read it.

DAY 105
Date: February 15, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: H/5mm crochet hook
Yarn: Paton’s ‘SWS’ soy/wool
Stitch Pattern: freeform crochet scrumble
Notes: yarn gifted to me by my SecretPal9 pal Jess. took it to our SnB, Purl ‘n Hurl, last night and scrumbled away. then fell asleep after completely forgetting to upload the picture.

DAY 106
Date: February 16, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: H/5mm crochet hook
Yarn: COLORBOMB Creations handspun
Stitch Pattern: freeform crochet scrumble
Notes: it’s hard to see here, but it is a little bowl shape, with scalloped edges.

DAY 107
Date: February 17, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: H/5mm crochet hook
Yarn: scrap of Adriafil ‘Grape’ bobble yarn
Stitch Pattern: single crochet edging
Notes: i added the blue bit today.

DAY 108
Date: February 18, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: H/8mm crochet hook
Yarn: more of the Patons soy/wool blend from 2 days ago
Stitch Pattern: freeform crochet scrumble
Notes: the purple bit on the right, added dimension.

DAY 109
Date: February 19, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: G/6mm crochet hook
Yarn: Cascade 220
Stitch Pattern: single, halfdouble, and double crochet circle
Notes: i wanted to create a base for the ‘flower’ scrumble to sit on.

DAY 110
Date: February 20, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: G/6mm crochet hook
Yarn: Noro scraps (magenta, yellow, and orange) and Cascade 220 (blue)
Stitch Pattern: half-double crochet stripes and single crochet join
Notes: joined the two crochet scrumbles, after adding to the top one.

DAY 111
Date: February 21, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: n/a
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: today was a maintenance day, primarily. i joined 2 scrumbles and added the ‘nose’ or ‘thumb’ from Day 97 and a green fur earring. i also did some seaming on the main piece.

DAY 112
Date: February 22, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #15US
Yarn: Rowan cotton braid
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: my LYS has started selling little 5 yard hanks of leftover yarn for $1; this is one that i bought last week for the project.

DAY 113
Date: February 23, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #15US
Yarn: gifted yarn from Knitsocks; appears to be 2ply wool
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: i liked the stepped shape from yesterday, i decided to continue it. not sure if i’ll leave the gaps there or fill ‘em up.

DAY 114
Date: February 24, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #8US
Yarn: Cascade 220
Stitch Pattern: garter and stockinette
Notes: under the big ruffle.

DAY 115
Date: February 25, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: n/a
Yarn: Colinette Point 5
Stitch Pattern: n/a
Notes: i threaded this yarn scrap through the rows of the dropped stitch from yesterday

DAY 116
Date: February 26, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #1US
Yarn: handdyed sock yarn gifted by Knitsocks (thanks!!)
Stitch Pattern: tiny Knitsocks-inspired discs
Notes: i loved the "coins" knitsocks added to her piece today, so i nicked the idea. i think i’ll make more, i like them so much. (btw, these details are hidden beneath the ruffle, like little surprises).

DAY 117
Date: February 27, 2007
Photo: here
Needles: #9US
Yarn: wire from computer cable
Stitch Pattern: garter
Notes: inspired by the link i put in the group discussion board today about alternative knitting materials, i used the network cable choker as a jumping off point for today. i bought a cable at t

viewed 2466 times | helped 2 people
November 3, 2006
August 2006
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Rowan
70% Mohair, 30% Silk
229 yards / 25 grams

55209 projects

stashed 45878 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Rowan
Super Bulky
68% Cotton, 22% Rayon, 10% Linen / Flax
54 yards / 50 grams

270 projects

stashed 614 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
70% Acrylic, 30% Nylon
80 yards / 50 grams

388 projects

stashed 745 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
Super Bulky
100% Polyester
45 yards / 50 grams

33 projects

stashed 112 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Rowan
100% Cotton
93 yards / 50 grams

11469 projects

stashed 11205 times

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About this yarn
by Noro
100% Wool
109 yards / 50 grams

58671 projects

stashed 37915 times

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About this yarn
by Koigu
100% Merino
175 yards / 50 grams

44445 projects

stashed 49295 times

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About this yarn
by Himalaya Yarn (Nepal)
60% Wool, 40% Silk
175 yards / 100 grams

267 projects

stashed 472 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Lana Grossa
Super Bulky
100% Nylon
60 yards / 50 grams

48 projects

stashed 179 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

197479 projects

stashed 108459 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
100% Cotton
98 yards / 50 grams

1967 projects

stashed 3579 times

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About this yarn
by Manos del Uruguay
100% Corriedale
138 yards / 100 grams

24249 projects

stashed 21312 times

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About this yarn
by Bernat
100% Acrylic
225 grams

301 projects

stashed 102 times

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About this yarn
by Lane Cervinia
100% Nylon
77 yards / 50 grams

77 projects

stashed 183 times

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About this yarn
by Brown Sheep
85% Wool, 15% Mohair
190 yards / 113 grams

55538 projects

stashed 36125 times

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About this yarn
by Classic Elite Yarns
76% Mohair, 17% Wool, 6% Nylon
90 yards / 42 grams

1183 projects

stashed 2415 times

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About this yarn
by skacel collection, Inc.
100% Nylon
93 yards / 25 grams

19 projects

stashed 74 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by skacel collection, Inc.
Super Bulky
100% Nylon
93 yards / 50 grams

21 projects

stashed 80 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Colinette
Super Bulky
100% Wool
54 yards / 100 grams

2143 projects

stashed 2158 times

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About this yarn
by Colinette
100% Cotton
140 yards / 100 grams

586 projects

stashed 655 times

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About this yarn
by Patons North America
70% Wool, 30% Soy Silk
110 yards / 80 grams

11707 projects

stashed 6466 times

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About this yarn
80% Alpaca, 20% Silk
109 yards / 25 grams

1728 projects

stashed 2129 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
80% Cotton, 20% Wool
191 yards / 100 grams

1322 projects

stashed 1315 times

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About this yarn
by Trendsetter Yarns
100% Nylon
145 yards / 50 grams

340 projects

stashed 686 times

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About this yarn
by Sandnes Garn
100% Polyester
97 yards / 50 grams

346 projects

stashed 470 times

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About this yarn
by Ornaghi Filati
100% Rayon from Bamboo
137 yards / 50 grams

200 projects

stashed 272 times

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About this yarn
by Midnight & Lulu

8 projects

stashed 10 times

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About this yarn
by Material Whirled
Super Bulky
100% Other

104 projects

stashed 59 times

velmalikevelvet's star rating
About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
Super Bulky
75% Nylon, 25% Polyester
55 yards / 50 grams

13 projects

stashed 48 times

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About this yarn
by COLORBOMB Creations

6 projects

stashed 24 times

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About this yarn
by COLORBOMB Creations

9 projects

stashed 23 times

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About this yarn
by COLORBOMB Creations

4 projects

stashed 15 times

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About this yarn
by COLORBOMB Creations

2 projects

stashed 5 times

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About this yarn
by Adriafil
Nylon, Merino
109 yards / 50 grams

3 projects

stashed 13 times

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About this yarn
by COLORBOMB Creations

5 projects

stashed 8 times

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About this yarn
by Reynolds
52% Mohair, 48% Acrylic
215 yards / 50 grams

20 projects

stashed 45 times

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About this yarn
by Filatura Di Crosa
100% Cotton
197 yards / 50 grams

534 projects

stashed 493 times

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  • Project created: November 5, 2007
  • Updated: May 22, 2020