Fox Faces Socks
August 6, 2011
August 30, 2011

Fox Faces Socks

Project info
Fox Faces Socks by Nancy Bush
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Knitabulous Yarn Ultimate Sock
1 skein = 360.0 yards (329.2 meters), 100 grams

I knitted these socks at the same time on two 60cm circulars. The only change I made was to knit an extra repeat on the leg since mine wasn’t quite long enough. Other than that, I knitted them exactly as written, including the funny tri-decreased toe! The colour is a little less saturated than it appears here; it’s more of a faded red than a hot pink. They’re a teensy bit short for me, so I am sending them off to my cousin as thanks for hooking us up with all the True Blood episodes as soon as they air in the U.S.

One must always reward one’s hot Viking supplier. :)

viewed 45 times
August 6, 2011
August 30, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Knitabulous Yarn
Wool, Silk, Rayon from Bamboo
360 yards / 100 grams

9 projects

stashed 11 times

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  • Project created: August 7, 2011
  • Updated: August 30, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates