Nanner Socks
no date set
November 5, 2011

Nanner Socks

Project info
Nanner Socks by Wendy D. Johnson
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Knitabulous Yarn Ultimate Sock
1 skein = 360.0 yards (329.2 meters), 100 grams

If my socks look weird to you, it’s because I knitted them incorrectly. I only realised after I cast them off that I had followed the charts exactly… and missed the bit of text that explained how you were to insert a row of plain knitting every other row. Oops. So my lace scallop repeats are only half as high as they should be. They also bias quite a lot, most noticeably on the cuff.

My only planned modification was to gradually add in an extra repeat on the leg portion, just to give a bit more room in the cuff. It worked pretty well!

viewed 97 times
no date set
November 5, 2011
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Knitabulous Yarn
Wool, Silk, Rayon from Bamboo
360 yards / 100 grams

9 projects

stashed 11 times

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  • Project created: November 11, 2011
  • Updated: November 11, 2011