Vintage Green Purse
June 2009
June 2009

Vintage Green Purse

Project info
Sundance Make Up Bag by Joëlle Meier Rioux
One size
Needles & yarn
Cleckheaton Riverina 5 ply
none left in stash
0.75 skeins = 109.5 yards (100.1 meters), 18 grams
Charity Shop


I struggled wit the way this pattern was written and wanted to simplify it.

Sundance Make Up Bag simplified for new knitters

(missing out the gusset, the icord loop and the buttonhole - just sew on a button and press stud instead).

DK is ideal but yarn of most types and thicknesses are fine.
1 button
1 press stud

Pair needles to suit yarn

Garter stitch, increasing, decreasing

Dependent on weight of yarn.

Garter Stitch Border:

CO Row: 31 sts.

Row 1-3: Knit (end WS row).
Row 4: S1k, k to end.
Row 5: (WS) S1k, k2, p to last 3 sts, k3.

Flap Body:

Row 6 (RS): S1k, k4, yo, k6, k2tog, k5, ssk, k6, yo, k5.

Uneven Rows: S1k, k2, p to last 3 sts, k3.

Row 8: S1k, k5, yo, k5, k2tog, k5, ssk, k5, yo, k6.
Row 10: S1k, k6, yo, k4, k2tog, k5, ssk, k4, yo, k7.
Row 12: S1k, k7, yo, k3, k2tog, k5, ssk, k3, yo, k8.
Row 14: S1k, k8, yo, k2, k2tog, k5, ssk, k2, yo, k9.
Row 16: S1k, k9, yo, k1, k2tog, k5, ssk, k1, yo,k10.
Row 18: S1k, k10, yo, k2tog, k5, ssk, yo, k11.
Row 20: S1k, k11, yo, k7, yo, k12.

Main Seed Stitch Section:

Row 22 (RS): S1k, p1, k1; rep from to end.
Rows 23-47: S1k, knit the purl sts and purl the knit sts to last st, k1 (finish on WS).
Rows 48-72 : Continue in seed stitch (finish on RS)
Row 73: Bind off in pattern.


Fold main section of with RS together. Sew sides together and darn in the ends. Sew press stud in place and sew button on to flap to hide press stud stitching. Block if desired.


BO bind off
CO cast on
DK Double Knitting weight yarn
dpn double pointed needle
k knit
k2tog knit 2 together (see help section)
LH left hand
m1-l make 1 left (see help section)
m1-r make 1 right (see help section)
p purl
PM place marker
Rep repeat
RH right hand
RS right Side
S1K slip 1 stitch knitwise
sk2p (see help section)
ssk slip slip knit (see help section)
ssk-r-pso (see help section)
st(s) stitch(es)
WS wrong side
Yo yarn over (see help section)

Optional features for your next bag

Cable cast on
Substitute cast on with cable cast on

Button hole

Substitute Row 4 as follows:
Row 4: S1k, k11, insert one-row 3-stitch buttonhole, k14 to end.


2 dpn same thickness as needles used to make bag

1) Substitute Row 20 as follows:
Row 20: S1k, k2, K7, yo, ssk-r-pso, yo, k5, yo, sk2p, yo, k7, k3.

2) Knit I-Cord
Cast on: 3 sts onto 1 dpn.
Row 1: k 1 row.
Row 2: Without turning the work, slide the sts to RH end of needle, pull yarn tightly from the end of the row, behind the sts; k 3.
Row 3: Rep until cord measures 20cm.
Bind off.

3) Tie through optional extra eyelets in bag flap with knot on inside.

Decorative gusset

2 stitch markers

Substitute Rows 48-60 as follows:
Row 48 (RS): S1k, p1, k1; rep 14 times from, PM, p1, k1, p1 into next st, PM, p1, k1; rep from to end (33 sts).
Row 49 (WS): S1k, seed st to first marker, SM, p to second marker, SM, seed st to end.
Row 50 (RS): S1k, seed st to first marker, SM, k to second marker, SM, seed st to end.
Row 51: Rep. row 49.
Row 52 (RS): S1k, seed st to first marker, SM, m1-r, k to second marker, m1-l, SM, seed st to end (35 sts).
Row 53: Rep. row 49.
Rows 54: Repeat Row 52 (37 sts).
Row 55 Rep. row 49.
Row 56 (RS): S1k, seed st to first marker, SM, ssk, k to 2 sts before next marker, k2tog, SM, seed st to end (35 sts).
Row 57: Rep. row 49.
Row 58 (RS): Rep row 56 (33sts).
Row 59: Rep. row 49.
Row 60 (RS): S1k, seed st to first marker, remove marker, sk2p, remove marker, seed st to end (31 sts).


A fabric lining can be added before or after sewing up. Helpful for firming up a floppy bag!

Help Section

m1-r: (make 1 right) Insert LH needle under horizontal strand between st just worked and next st from the back to the front, knit through the front loop (1 st increased).

m1-l: (make 1 left slanting) Insert LH needle under horizontal strand between st just worked and next st from the front to the back, knit through the back loop (1 st increased).

yo: yarn over (1 st increased).

I-cord: A knitted cord, knitted on 2 dpns.

ssk: (slip, slip, knit) Slip 2 sts, 1 at a time, knitwise to the RH needle; return sts to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (1 st decreased).

k2tog: Knit 2 sts together (1 st decreased).

sk2p: Slip1 st purlwise, from the LH needle to the RH needle, k2tog, pass slipped st over knit st created by k2tog (2 sts decreased).

ssk-r-pso: Ssk, return st to LH needle, pass next st on LH needle over returned st and off needle; slip returned st back to RH needle (2 sts decreased).

One-row buttonhole:

Garter Stitch: Knit every row.

Stocking Stitch (St st): Knit on RS, purl on WS.

Knitted Cast On: Insert RH needle knitwise into first st of LH needle, wrap the yarn around the needle and pull through as to make a knit st, leave the first st on LH needle and slip st just made to LH needle (1 st CO).

Seed Stitch: (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
Row 1: (RS) Slip 1 st knitwise wyib, p1, k1; rep
Row 2: Slip 1 st knitwise wyib, knit the purl sts
and purl the knit sts as they face you to last
st, k1.
Rep Row 2

Bind off in pattern: Bind of knit stitches knitwise and purl stitches purlwise.

Cable Cast-on: Start with a slip knot: . Knit into slip knot, leaving the stitch on the left needle. Place the new stitch onto left needle. Knit into gap between last two stitches on left needle. Place knitted stitch onto left needle. Repeat from . Video:

viewed 2594 times | helped 53 people
June 2009
June 2009
About this pattern
834 projects, in 929 queues
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About this yarn
by Cleckheaton
Wool, Merino
159 yards / 50 grams

70 projects

stashed 78 times

woolbear's star rating
  • Project created: June 17, 2009
  • Finished: June 17, 2009
  • Updated: August 17, 2019