May 9, 2012
May 3, 2012


Project info
Miette by Andi Satterlund
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece
3 skeins = 645.0 yards (589.8 meters), 300 grams
Knit 1 in Chicago, Illinois
April 9, 2012

Pinkcatflower and I are hosting a KAL of this pattern on our blogs. You can check us out here or here!

Modeled pictures finally taken on July 8, 2012 by Alicia, with her pretty kitty Pluto!

Update 6.27.13 - I’ve added a page under the header of my blog with links to every blog post I did in the knit-along, as well as charts for the lace patterns and the videos I posted on YouTube. I think it will be much more helpful now that all the information is in one place!

Update 1.7.14 I’ve had to add a note on the Miette Knitalong page that the knitalong is now closed. I’m finding myself with less and less time in which to answer individual questions. However, all the posts, videos and links will remain active.

viewed 1380 times | helped 38 people
May 9, 2012
May 3, 2012
About this pattern
2706 projects, in 3548 queues
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About this yarn
by Brown Sheep
80% Pima, 20% Merino
215 yards / 100 grams

17350 projects

stashed 13721 times

yellowbird's star rating
  • Project created: April 5, 2012
  • Finished: May 3, 2012
  • Updated: January 7, 2014