cold comfort knits

cold comfort knits

Welcome to cold comfort knits! I’m Alexis—Canadian girl. Natural fibre lover. Maker of warm wooly things. Designer of knitting patterns that are interesting for the hands yet relaxing for the mind. Believer that knitting doesn’t have to be difficult to be beautiful. ❤️

original designs

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Wintergarden Hat
Hobbii Website
Twister Socks
cold comfort knits
cold comfort knits
Forest Glen
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Bramble Wrap
Purl Soho
The Sheldon Hat
cold comfort knits
The Leonard Hat
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The Penny Hat
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The Bernadette Hat
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The Stuart Hat
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The Howard Hat
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The Amy Hat
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The Raj Hat
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The Captain Sweatpants Hat
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The Rain Must Fall Shawl
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The Tough Fluff Hat
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The Out West Hat
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The IDK Hat
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The Nettlecreek Hat
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The Beau Chapeau
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The Peace Love Joy Shawl
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The Falgarwood Shawl
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The Tenacity Wrap
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The Halton Spa Cloth Trio
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The Gairloch Shawl
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The Harbour Hat
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The Holloway Hat
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The Berryhill Set
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The Appleby Hat
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The Waterdown Hat
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The Aldershot Hat
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The Dark Arts Hat
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The Dark Arts Cowl
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The Weston Tweed Wrap
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Celtic Charmers
cold comfort knits
The Ross Hat
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The Rachel Hat
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The Gunther Hat
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The Chandler Hat
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The Monica Hat
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The Janice Hat
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The Ursula Hat
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The Phoebe Hat
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The Joey Hat
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The West Village Hat
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cold comfort knits
The Water Shawl
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The Frosted Lily Hat
cold comfort knits
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