Amor Esperanza
Please call me Amor. Yes, it means “Love,” and yes, that is actually my name (shy smile)…I love you too mom. I first held a strand of yarn between my little fingers when I was 8 years old. I recall with warm clarity, sitting with my grandmother on a steam trunk (filled with her crocheted lace). In the soft shade, on a sunny afternoon, she taught me how to crochet a chain. That was exciting enough, but then she doubled the challenge and taught me how to take a short chain of three stitches and connect it into a circle. Now this was the perfect recipe for my young heart. I added row after row until I had a sweet little polka dot. That afternoon, with my grandmother’s yarn scraps, I filled a small grocery bag with a rainbow of matching crochet polka dots. Later she taught me to stitch them together to make a blanket. My grandmother set me on a path of love filled fiber art that feels entirely infinite.
As an adult, I enjoyed my first career incarnation as an ethnographer. Then as an independent dyer with my first fiber lovin’ business, Crave Yarn (now under new ownership). Then I opened up a yarn shop in my beloved Santa Fe, NM, Amores Yarn Studio. As life circumstances and I myself have evolved, so too has my professional path twirled in new directions. I am as devoted/obsessed with fiber arts as ever, though now I am focused on knitwear design and casual exploration into the larger realm of fiber arts including (weaving, felting, sewing, etc.).