Clare Hutchinson

Clare Hutchinson

original designs

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OCS Socks
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
OCS Mittens
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Very Christmassy Advent Cowl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Wee County Bag
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Whithorn Mittens
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Clacks Cardi
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Crochet Miniball Shawls
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Primrose Hat
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Silver Glen
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Kent Hat and Cowl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Ayrshire Hat and Cowl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Law Hill Scarf
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Tyne Knit-Wear
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Pic N Mix Hat
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Stocking
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Advent 2022
Wee County Yarns
Rowland Rownd
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Stirling Skyline
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Annfield Hat
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Advent 2021
Wee County Yarns
Glasgow Skyline
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Patchwork Hat, Mitts and Cowl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Advent 2020
Wee County Yarns
Pussyfooting Around
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Spiral Rainbows
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Pic N Mix
Knitty, Winter 2019
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
  • Ceilidh
  • Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Advent Cowl 2019
Miniball Advent Calendar
Dark Side
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Perth Festival of Yarn
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
The Granite City
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Edinburgh Skyline
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
  • Noxagons
  • Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Penny's Mitts and Hat
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Double Edged Shawl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
  • Aquarium
  • Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Advent Scarf 2018
Miniball Advent Calendar
Jointed Rainbow Cowl
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Berwick Blooms
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Miniball Shawl Shapes
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
  • Knessie
  • Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Flash Mitts
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Kinross Mittens
Wee County Yarns
Ghost of Socks Past
Clare Hutchinson's Ravelry Store
Wee County Yarns
Ballroom Cowl
Wee County Yarns
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