Debra Dandaneau
My real name is Debra K. Dandaneau, and my username on Ravelry is CoudreDuCoeur.
My patterns are hosted on the website D-Kubed Designs (the above site listed is my project page, which may include WIP’s, personal designs I have made that may or may not have patterns, and projects from other designers). The D-Kubed Designs site is for hosting my own completed patterns, which are often free “cross-threaded” versions inspired by knit designs, since I don’t knit.
I have been crocheting for over 25 years, since my grandmother started me on a simple single-crochet blanket on a holiday visit. Although that blanket had wobbly edges, by summer, I had mastered chart-reading and made her a table-top doily. Many of my projects are still made from others’ designs.
To support my crafting (and of course other family necessities), and to just have some personal intellectual stimulation, I am a physics lecturer at the college-level.
Debra Dandaneau's Ravelry Store
- BB-8 (BB8) Droid Beanie
- Debra Dandaneau's Ravelry Store