Emily K Williams

Emily K Williams
Also check out my group Miranda’s Lounge for KAL’s and other news
When not knitting or entertaining my baby, I can be found out and about in the highlands, either walking/climbing/sea kayaking, but only if the weather is nice. If it is raining then there is nowhere I would rather be than curled up in an armchair, radio on and a jumper to get stuck into.
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Covesea Cowl
Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #1
Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #1

- Covesea Cowl
- Yarn - The Journal of Scottish Yarns #1
Oare Water Jumper
The Annual by John Arbon Textiles (issue two)
The Annual by John Arbon Textiles (issue two)

- Oare Water Jumper
- The Annual by John Arbon Textiles (issue two)
Sing a Rainbow Cowl
Knit Now, Issue 103, June 2019
Knit Now, Issue 103, June 2019
- Sing a Rainbow Cowl
- Knit Now, Issue 103, June 2019
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