Marleen Hartog
My name is Marleen, originally from Holland, and I’m a 52 year old mother of two girls, happily married and since january 2010 I live in Germany.
I have been knitting since I learned at age 7, and taught myself to crochet (lefthanded) when I was 25. I usually work without patterns, but my hands can pretty much make what my eyes can see (or image), and I mostly make things up while I am creating them. Since people liked my choice of projects, I decided to write down patterns to enable others to create these as well.
The past years, the accent of my work has shifted from knitting to crochet, although I still like to discover and learn new techniques in knitting. For my choiche of projects, I am always on the lookout for things that look difficult to assemble and try to puzzle them out untill I can come up with an easy step-by-step description that enables everybody to make them (which can be harder than the actual work itself).
Leentje's CreaCorner

- Gevilte breitas / felted knitting-bag
- Leentje's CreaCorner
Leentje's CreaCorner

- Bag of Polyband or Curling Ribbon
- Leentje's CreaCorner
Leentje's CreaCorner

- Gevlochten Bal / Braided Ball
- Leentje's CreaCorner