Raven Knits Design

Raven Knits Design

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10% of all pattern purchases are donated to Anishnabeg Outreach on the first buisness day of the month.

Office Hours (All times given are in the Eastern time zone.)
- I check customer support email between 8:00am and 11:00am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I am also available until 4:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday via Ravelry PM and will respond to ongoing conversations until 5:30pm. I live in the Eastern time zone, so check the time differential! If you have questions that need assistance outside of the posted hours, I have a group here. There are threads available there for every published pattern, and there’s usually a few folks hanging around who have the knowledge to help with general knitting enquiries.
- Knitters in regions where permission from the designer is required to sell your finished items, you have my blanket permission to use my patterns. If a more formal agreement is required by your laws, PM me and we can work that out.
- Pattern Retirement Plan: Individual patterns will be retired after 10 calendar years. Ebook collections will be retired after 20 years, assuming I have not retired before then myself.

original designs

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Above The Tree Line Hat
Raven Knits Design
French Silk Pi
Raven Knits Design
Stars Come Out Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Skraeling Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Crosscurrents Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Raven Knits Design
Liminal Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Daisy Comes Calling
Raven Knits Design
Little Drops of Water
Raven Knits Design
Thinking Gloves
Raven Knits Design
Elf Friend
Raven Knits Design
Longbeard Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Gardener's Gauntlets
Raven Knits Design
Knights of Rohan and Gondor
Raven Knits Design
A Crack In Everything
Raven Knits Design
Goode Cheere
Raven Knits Design
A Blaze Of Light
Raven Knits Design
Primrose's Party Dress
Raven Knits Design
The Sun Pours Down
Raven Knits Design
There'd Been A Flood
Raven Knits Design
Little Bilbo's Bunting Bag
Raven Knits Design
To Be Free
Raven Knits Design
The Nameless And The Name
Raven Knits Design
Simply Ribbed Hat
Raven Knits Design
Simply Ribbed Legwarmers
Raven Knits Design
Simply Ribbed Mittens
Raven Knits Design
Simply Ribbed Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Cloak of the White Lady
Raven Knits Design
Thunder Snow
Raven Knits Design
Inception Points
Raven Knits Design
Nuphar Crescent
Raven Knits Design
Mother Of The Hero
Raven Knits Design
Aulavik Hat
Raven Knits Design
Aulavik Mittens
Raven Knits Design
Autumn On The River
Raven Knits Design
Of Ducks And Geese
Raven Knits Design
Elk Island Boot Cuffs
Raven Knits Design
Carrousel Ride
Raven Knits Design
Dogwood and Willow
Raven Knits Design
Elk Island Cowl
Raven Knits Design
Floodwater Rising
Raven Knits Design
Under Ice
Raven Knits Design
Dogwalker's Companion Coat
Raven Knits Design
Dogwalker's Boot Cuffs
Raven Knits Design
Dogwalker's Mittens
Raven Knits Design
Dogwalker's Hat
Raven Knits Design
Dogwalker's Cowl
Raven Knits Design
1 2 3 of 3Next