Rachel Carson Hill
Who is RavinSekai?
Hi, I’m Rachel, and I am the owner and designer for my website named Ravin Sekai Designs. I’m a world traveller, avid knitter, unashamed “hooker”, pattern maker, and all around nerd! I have a real passion for designing new knitted and crocheted garments and I love sharing them with the world. I provide those patterns for free on my website because I want everyone to have easy access to something they love. But, I also sell the downloadable, 100% ad-free pdf versions of these patterns here on Ravelry.
With the pdf pattern here on Ravelry, you will get more detailed pictures, schematics, tutorials, and charts.
A little background:
My passion started while I was teaching in Japan and my (now) husband was offered his dream job in another town 4 hours away. We decided I’d stay in Tokyo and finish working up to September, and he would go ahead and move to Osaka and see how the job went. When he left, I was at loose ends and decided I needed a hobby. At the same time, I was reading a book series I adored that had a lot of knitting in it. I thought, “that seems like a good time!” So, the little balls of yarn and giant plastic knitting needles at the 100 yen store looked like a good bet for hobby material. I’d never even thought of knitting up to that point, it was a total whim. But, I bought up a couple skeins, jumped on youtube, and hoped for the best.
8 years later and I’ve never made a better decision!
The Brand
So, where did I get the name Ravin Sekai Designs? Well, truth be told, my husband is the main driving force behind everything I do here. He is my support, my cheerleader, my champion. His advice is crutial and, without him, none of this would have been possible. My husband’s name is Vincent. So, combine our names (I know cheesy, right?), and you get Ravin! It doesn’t hurt that Ravens are some of the most awesome animals around, either!
Then there’s Sekai. What’s that? Well, sekai (世界) means “world” in Japanese. So, bringing some of my roots and a little homage to the country that helped start it all, I wanted something in my brand name to represent that! So, Ravin’s World = Ravin Sekai Designs! Fun, right!?
About my patterns
I get a lot of inspiration from everyday things, such as the bricks of a sidewalk or the pane of a window. So, I love working what I see in everyday life into a new trendy pattern.
I create patterns for items that are on trend and versatile; great for both dressing up or down. So, if you need something for a quick pop out to the grocery store or a new stole for that fancy dinner, you’ll be able to find it here!
I hope you love my patterns as much as I do!