Sarah Burton
Come on over to the Verdigris Knits Group for friendly discussion about any of these designs.
I love designing projects that help a knitter learn or practice a new technique. Brioche is an addiction, along with tricks that make things less “fiddly”. And I love the challenge of translating something in my head to the needles and then to paper. If you have any comments on these designs or the pattern instructions - please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I know copyright does not extend to the finished object, so if you choose to knit up any of these patterns, you are free to do whatever you wish with the finished object. Let me know if you are trying to sell finished objects from any of my patterns, and I’ll be happy to give you a shout out on the blog and facebook page.
Knitcircus Magazine, Issue #16, Winter 2011-2012

- Exothermic
- Knitcircus Magazine, Issue #16, Winter 2011-2012
Verdigris Knits

- Hilda - the felted amigurumi witch
- Verdigris Knits
Verdigris Knits

- Santamigurumi – the felted amigurumi Santa
- Verdigris Knits
Verdigris Knits

- Twisted Loop Double Knit Reusable Duster
- Verdigris Knits