Tuna :-)

Tuna :-)
Welcome and enjoy me designs.
Inspired by the many instructions and patterns on ravelry, I have generated my own ideas of it, do not follow a particular style.
Mostly I like yarn and buy them. Then I think about what I make of it. So it happens that several creations are produced from the same yarn.
big X-mas-Star in garter
Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store
Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store
- big X-mas-Star in garter
- Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store
poinsettia - xmas-Star - Weihnachtsstern
Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store
Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store
- poinsettia - xmas-Star - Weihnachtsstern
- Tuna :-) 's Ravelry Store