Wendy Thompson

Wendy Thompson

Hi there, I’m Wendy from ZigzCrochet, and let’s just say, I’m hooked on crochet! My place is a rainbow haven of cozy throws, and nothing lights up my soul like gifting handmade treasures to my loved ones.

I’m all about spreading the crochet fever! Dive into my designs, get tangled up in the yarn, and join me in this fabulous world where crochet reigns supreme. Let’s spark that creative obsession together and explore the endless wonders of all things crochet!

Join us on Facebook and Instagram

original designs

Kayha Shawl
ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store
Spot the Dot
ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store
ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store
  • Tess
  • ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store
April Grace
Yarn Magazine issue 73
Time to Shine
Facebook Group: Zigz Crochet - Mosaic WIPnWatch
ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store
Betty Bitsa
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Bookcase Extended
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
  • Ziggity
  • Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Inscribing Diamonds
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Zigz Travel Wrap
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Hashtag Coaster
Zigz Crochet - Mosaic WIPnWatch
Mosaic Bookcase
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Deck of Diamonds
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Zigz Crochet - Mosaic WIPnWatch
  • Jed
  • Zigz Crochet - Mosaic WIPnWatch
Paisley Path
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Which Way
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Cobblestone
Wendy Thompson's Ravelry Store
Mosaic Colour Blast
ZigzCrochet's Ravelry Store