Sadly, Elena Nodel passed away on June 13, 2017. All patterns support is now handled by Jenny F (SweaterFreak). Please email Jenny at JENFAIFEL AT GMAIL DOT COM for pattern support.
I am a working mom of a very industrious, curious, and very active little girl. She was the reason I picked up knitting again after so many years of neglect. My daughter is my inspiration and a driving force behind my creative ideas. I would not be able to do what I do without the support from my wonderful husband, who always encourages me to follow my creativity. I consider myself very lucky.
I have been venturing into adult knitwear over the last few months. It is challenging at times, but incredibly satisfying for my creative mind. I hope everyone will enjoy my adult designs just as much.
I design my models with a few things in mind:
I want the garments to be easy to wear.
I want them to be suitable for wool and cotton yarns.
I want them to be fast and easy to knit, thus most of my designs are knit in the round and are seamless.
I also like to add a bit of a challenge to each model to keep the knitting interesting and engaging.