Our mother was dying when I was first pregnant, she knew she would not be alive to meet her grandchildren or to answer questions. She instead wrote a 35 page letter of advice and love,It begins like this: My Dearest Meggie, today I watched you marvel at an ultrasound, I saw what could only be considered a miracle from God, and you my darling girl are the recipient. While it does my heart good to know that this miracle is upon you the sadness of knowing I won’t be there is such a burden. So I feel like that before I share wisdom on motherhood I should tell you what an incredible woman you have become. You my darling from the beginning were my rebel. Never walked the same path, never predictable, never take the easiest road, but always the victor.You are such a dichotomy of femininity which you never see and daredevil which scares me half to death. Out of all my children I understand you least, but I adore you most because you have the spirit of a warrior. You understand the scars of battle and how to get past them. You will teach your children that as you have taught Kat. I also need you to know you are scarey to a parent, when you were 7 you climbed trees so tall and giggled when I would panic. When you were 9 you taught me grace under pressure. and when you were 14 you taught me that risking it all was worth it in the end. Teach these things to your children. They will be wonderful Meggie, you are their Mom and I will look down at you and smile and when you need me look for snowflakes, that is me watching over you..
There are 24 patterns over 4 weeks and as with all the ebooks a few surprises.