Should be able to easily eke out 10 & 2 repeats with 7 st nupps with what’s left of the Fresco color. Toho, light sapphire beads 8/0.
January 13th Such a pretty shawl pattern to use with what remains of this glorious yarn I used for my lace sweater.
If it turns out, I’ll likely give it to Alice, a family friend who helped out tremendously during a time of crisis for my mother.
January 24th I now know what it feels like to have one’s butt kicked by lace.
Dropped a stitch last night and recovered it, but it was around a yarn over and now there’s a problem with the eyelet. I did that before in this project, but this time I just couldn’t figure out how to get it right.
This project is going into time out until Saturday, at which time I’ll decide if I’m going to tink back a couple thousand stitches or just leave it as a “design feature with an incredibly low repeat rate.”
Who am I kidding? I know I’ll tink back… I just want to think I have an option here.
The use of my secondary swear word is prevalent right about now…
In the meantime, I’m going to start on something simple just so I have another project to work on until I stop fuming about this one.
January 29th Okay, I think I’ve got it fixed now, and I “only” had to tink back about 1300 stitches.
I’m going to be a hell of a lot more careful from here on out, because un-knitting takes about ten times as much time as knitting!
February 5th It’s in the soak! Only a knitting project would get me to wake up at 7:00 on a Sunday. If all goes well with the blocking, I’ll be finished by the time I go to sleep tonight.
One thing I really learned, especially when doing the edge, is that counting where the YOs are on the round before is really helpful when doing the purl side. Those little buggers have a tendency to creep over a stitch… even more when there are 900 stitches on the needles. The nupps didn’t give me any trouble at all, I just made sure to make them big enough and counted the stitches on the purl side.
I used all but 11 grams of the Findley in Fresco, so it was actually only around 950 yards. I did ten repeats of the first pattern, two of the second and seven stitch nupps.
99.9% done! Oh, it looks lovely all pinned out! All that’s left is the drying time and pictures.
This is soooo exciting! It’s dry to the touch already (only noon), but I’m going to let it go another couple of hours before I try to unpin it. I really can’t believe I made this! :)