Christmas Kasilof
December 22, 2021
December 24, 2021

Christmas Kasilof

Project info
Kasilof by Caitlin Hunter
HatBeanie, Toque
The man who plays my Santa
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm

Last minute Christmas knitting. Literally finished weaving in the ends and steam blocking at 9:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Left on the drying rack til Christmas morning when it’ll be crammed in a gift bag and placed under the tree with the other gifts … like it has always been there. Who else knits last minute gifts for their man? It’s super secret Santa knitting. Gotta hide it when he comes around… act like there’s no secret knitting being done. Hahahahaha hohohohoho.

He’s got a big head so made the largest size … more stitches of course. The yarn I used was Aaron weight yarn. Closest to gage I could get was with US size 5 for ribbing and US 6 for the hat body. Couldn’t achieve row gage … so omitted the repeat rows just before crown decreases so it wouldn’t be too tall … gives the crown a completely different look - a bit wheel and spokes like perhaps. He may be able to fold the cuff, I’m not sure. Worked the ribbed cuff 1-1/2 inches in case he wants to fold it for extra warmth. I tried it on and it looks cute either way …. though if made for myself outta this yarn, would make the medium rather than large.

One to six inches of snow is predicted to start falling Christmas day, then a big deep freeze into the teens … Christmas hat knitting couldn’t have happened at a more opportune time. Merry Christmas to all …

viewed 35 times
December 22, 2021
December 24, 2021
About this pattern
74 projects, in 108 queues
60before60's overall rating
60before60's clarity rating
60before60's difficulty rating
60before60's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Quick knit
  2. Perfect gift
  3. Stranded colorwork
  • Project created: December 25, 2021
  • Updated: December 25, 2021