Cotton towel experiment
November 5, 2018
November 8, 2018

Cotton towel experiment

Project info
Tools and equipment
Ashford Rigid Heddle 24"
10 epi x 10 ppi
1,302 yards = 7 skeins
YarnArt Ideal
4 skeins = 744.0 yards (680.3 meters), 200 grams
YarnArt Ideal
1 skein = 186.0 yards (170.1 meters), 50 grams
YarnArt Ideal
1 skein = 186.0 yards (170.1 meters), 50 grams
YarnArt Ideal
1 skein = 186.0 yards (170.1 meters), 50 grams

Woven tabby weave. Striped warp, white & dark blue. Did three towels at once. First, an even plaid with the dark blue & white; second & third towels used alternating stripes of white and color (lavender for one towel, coral for the other).

Used 10 dpi reed and about 16” on the reed. Hard to beat it tight - it wanted to stay very open. Looked too sleazy on the loom, and I was keeping my fingers crossed that it would shrink up all the spaces once washed.

Left 1.5” space between towels on the loom. Did a crocheted chain stitch over two warp ends all the way across for beginning and end, in lieu of hemstitching. After cutting them off the loom, I zigzagged the edges by machine as close as I could to the end pick, then sewed a double fold hem to hide the raw edges, also by machine.

Was curious to see how this cheap cotton would turn out as towels. Says hand wash, so I expected shrinkage and sized up accordingly. It did shrink some after washing, but not as much as I expected. I ran it through the dryer on high heat, as I intend to use these towels hard and wanted to see how it held up. I was impressed! Quite happy with the final products. They are very soft, have a nice drape, feel thick and thirsty. Can’t wait to use them! The machine stitching on the hem makes the ends a little puckered and flared, but that doesn’t bother me at all.

viewed 24 times
November 5, 2018
November 8, 2018
About this yarn
by YarnArt
100% Cotton
186 yards / 50 grams

177 projects

stashed 149 times

Aikiathena's star rating
  • Project created: November 11, 2018
  • Finished: November 11, 2018
  • Updated: November 12, 2018