Tweedy bubbles scarf
October 11, 2018
October 17, 2018

Tweedy bubbles scarf

Project info
Tools and equipment
Ashford Rigid Heddle 24"
10 epi

This one was inspired by spes-ultimadea’s Raining on my window

I thought this was a cool concept, and although I didn’t like the look of Brooks bouquet as done in a previous project, I thought I would take another crack at it with this one. Had some nice yarn that I thought would be perfect.

Set up the warp with 8 groups of 12 threads, plus 4 for the edges. Each group is 1 dk blue, 10 white tweed, 1 dk blue. I wanted to outline the bubbles with a contrasting color. A little trick to catch the correct blue threads when making the bouquets: one of the blue threads from each bouquet has to be lifted from below, because it sits in the opposite shed. Which one depends on which direction you are throwing the weft at the moment.

I wanted to use a thin 8/2 cottolin weft to make it a warp faced fabric.

Did a sett test, and tried using 12.5 dpi heddle at first, but that was a mistake - although it shed was too sticky because of all the little tweedy bits in the yarn. Even at 10 dpi, I have been noticing some of them eventually get worked loose with repeated beating of the heddle.

Tried doing a pattern with the bouquets, with several starting or ending on the same weft pick, but it turns out to be much easier to keep the bouquets intact (and tight) if there is only one per weft pick - that way, I can pull the yarn tight while beating and changing the shed, and it stays put when the next pick locks it in place.

I’m liking how it looks on the loom, but am wondering what will happen to it when it’s done and washed??? We shall see!


Unfortunately, after washing and drying, it doesn’t look as nice. The bouquets look messy at the edges, and overall the scarf is kinda rumpley looking. disappointed Still usable, but not a showcase project. Probably a bad combo of yarns.

viewed 50 times
October 11, 2018
October 17, 2018
  • Project created: October 14, 2018
  • Finished: November 11, 2018
  • Updated: November 12, 2018