Starting sett 12 EPI
66 ends
11/19 - measured warp
12/11 - actually got warp on loom!
12/12 - Started weaving! Yay!
12/20 - cut off 12 to finish and give for gifts. Decided the sett was just a tad too loose (motifs are a bit squashed, but if I’d beat lighter the fabric would be too sleazy), and re-sleyed @ 15 EPI. Also learned that this particular warp needs to have the ends well-secured, or it will unply and unspin, leaving me with fluff instead of fringe. I’d hemstitched at both ends, so it’s not a disaster, just not the look I was going for. I’m now leaving a 1” fringe instead of .75” and not cutting them apart before wet finishing. Finished 4 more at the closer sett for my MIL. It’s a little narrower than I’d like, but the motifs are square, and the fringe is still fringe. I’ll probably add another half-a-repeat in width next time I do this pattern.