Mallow Mabel Murple
September 27, 2019
September 29, 2019

Mallow Mabel Murple

Project info
Mabel Murple by Emma Fucci
HatBeanie, Toque
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Big Twist (Jo-Ann) Rainbow Classic (Solids)
0.25 skeins = 153.8 yards (140.6 meters), 78 grams

Ch - ch - ch - changes:

co 89
k2 p2 k2 p1 k9, p1 (k2p2 to end)
do that 3 times, then do cable crosses
continue ribbing, cabling every 4th round, until ribbing is ~1.5 inches
switch to purl bg & inc 3 stitches evenly around (92 sts total) continue cabling every 4th round, until hat is ~6 inches.
place markers as per pattern but cable is between 1st & 2nd marker instead of 2nd & 3rd. do decreases as written.

viewed 6 times
September 27, 2019
September 29, 2019
About this pattern
5 projects, in 26 queues
AlienSunset's overall rating
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About this yarn
by Big Twist (Jo-Ann)
100% Acrylic
615 yards / 312 grams

869 projects

stashed 465 times

AlienSunset's star rating
  • Project created: September 27, 2019
  • Updated: September 30, 2019
  • Progress updates: 2 updates