Defense against the Dark Arts
May 2017
July 2017

Defense against the Dark Arts

Project info
Doctor Who Scarf - Season 18 by Chris Brimelow
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn
1,723 yards = 3.95 skeins
Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8 Ply
327 yards in stash
1.25 skeins = 545.5 yards (498.8 meters), 250 grams
Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8 Ply
305 yards in stash
1.3 skeins = 567.3 yards (518.8 meters), 260 grams
Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8 Ply
262 yards in stash
1.4 skeins = 611.0 yards (558.7 meters), 280 grams

Bendigo Woolen Mills Classic 8ply in Claret Mix (purple), Ember Mix (red) and Chilli (rust). 2600y, though I can easily get more.

Might try this for a DADA OWL. (For the Harry Potter Knitting and Crochet House Cup group, an OWL is a 3month project worth 250 points. DADA is for something that’s like the Cruciatus Curse… LOL)

1270 rows = 53340 stitches of garter stitch.
Then 2540st of crochet edge.
Approx 1800y.
May to July, not including work days: 60 days = 22 rows a day, with two days for edging/ends.

April 2. Not allowed to start yet, as it’s for an OWL in the May-July term. But today I’m starting the swatch.

Swatch 1:
fabric on 4mm needles
10cm = 36 rows
19cm wide (42st, slipping the first each row)

Prediction: 3.5m

Should be 15st/10cm (30cm wide) and 20 rows per 10cm, making it about 6.3m (21 feet)

Will try again with 5mm needles…

Swatch 2:
Well, damn. To make it 12 inches wide (well, 28cm) I have to knit 50 stitches. That will make it
63,500 stitches plus 2540st crochet edge.
It’s still 34 rows in 10cm. I think that 20 rows per 10cm must be the blocked length…
I’m not completely happy with 5mm needles, either. The drape is nice, but the fabric is too airy. Maybe I’ll wash this swatch, and see how it goes.

Still doing 2-minute rows, though. The larger needle makes the yarn less splitty, and adds a bit of speed.

I think, after washing, I’ll stick with 5mm. I can see how a little blocking will give it the proper gauge, and I do like the drape. Just washing it and laying it flat increased the row gauge to about 28-30 per 10cm, so I’m sure the weight and a slight stretch will do the trick. Besides, I don’t really care if it’s 20 or 15 feet; it will be long!

And I want to use those red Dreamz needles :)

May 15
About 2 weeks in, and I’ve finished column 3 (of 17). Quite liking the way the gauge is turning out. I think wet-blocking it will add length, and it’s nice and drapey.

July 25.
Finished the knitting part a week ago, and found my scarf was about 4.5m long. I decided to block it before doing the edging. Completely saturated it, squeezed out the water, and then hung it to stretch as it dried. Ended up about 6.5m!

Doing the edging took about 2 hours for the first meter (I am not a crocheter!) and I finished the other 12 the next day (which slowly got quicker and less awkward.). I added a fringe (took about an hour): 25 fringe trios each end (since mine is 50st wide). Now (probably because of the edging) it’s a bit over 6m long (not counting the fringe), which is about 20 feet. :)

Hard to take photos, it’s so long! I think I’m going to mostly wear it wrapped around several times. I was worried that the (cheap) wool would be scratchy, but after a soak in Soak it feels perfect! Tough and soft; good old BWM Classic!

Leftovers (from 400g of each)
Purple: 137g
Orange: 109g
Red: 130g

Scarf weighs 791g.

viewed 98 times
May 2017
July 2017
About this pattern
191 projects, in 87 queues
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About this yarn
by Bendigo Woollen Mills
100% Wool
436 yards / 200 grams

9065 projects

stashed 4631 times

Alrischa's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 26, 2017
  • Project created: March 26, 2017
  • Finished: July 24, 2017
  • Updated: July 28, 2017