Soldotna Crop
May 1, 2019
May 2019

Soldotna Crop

Project info
Soldotna Crop by Caitlin Hunter
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Cosmic Strings DK Singles
EYF / Cosmic Strings Booth
Gift from Stephen
Hedgehog Fibres Merino DK
Kaleidoscope in Saint-Gilles, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
La Bien Aimée Merino DK
EYF / LBA booth

I‘m pretty excited I found a color combo in my supermini stash as this was a pretty spontaneous decision after I saw a version this morning (30.04.2019) on Insta I liked so much.
I‘ll use tundra by #knitcosmicstrings I bought last year at #eyf as the main color. The other colors are from top to bottom: Artifact by #hedgehogfibres, leftover from my night nook sweater, a grey with neon green speckles which was a gift from Stephen so I don‘t know the dyer and undergrowth by #labienaimee, leftover of my just finished hiber knitting hat.
I‘ll cast on tomorrow morning; so excited to see how the colors will look together black_heart

Frogged my first try: size XS was to tight at the neckline, I wanted a wide fit more than on the pattern photo.
I‘m a loose knitter so I was surprised it turned out so small. So that‘s what I did to achieve the wider neckline:
• co the stitches for the M size more loosely than usual and with bigger needles.
• used German short rows because the w&t didn’t look the same on both sides
• after picking up the wraps I set a second marker in the middle of the round and knit one additional round like follows to get to size S:
K2tog, k to 2sts bef m, ssk, sm, k2tog, k to last to sts, ssk. 4sts decreased. (The decreases are now at the front and the back! Next time I‘ll have to pay attention to place them at the sides!)

Did the dots in CA and CD because I liked the low contrast and used CC for the ribbing. I made the little columns 4 rows long like on the pattern pics and not 2 rows long like stated in the pattern. I also lined them up with the knit rows of the ribbing.

I looove how this sweater turned out! After soaking I was really afraid that it would be totally huge but it shrunk after drying. It still has a lot of positive ease but I love it. Also the length because I love cropped tops and high waisted everything! black_heart

viewed 547 times | helped 1 person
May 1, 2019
May 2019
About this pattern
8051 projects, in 4502 queues
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About this yarn
by Hedgehog Fibres
100% Merino
219 yards / 115 grams

9014 projects

stashed 9629 times

AnMiwe's star rating
About this yarn
by La Bien Aimée
100% Merino
252 yards / 115 grams

4884 projects

stashed 6001 times

AnMiwe's star rating
About this yarn
by Cosmic Strings
100% Merino
246 yards / 100 grams

11 projects

stashed 5 times

AnMiwe's star rating
  • Originally queued: April 29, 2019
  • Project created: May 1, 2019
  • Finished: June 10, 2019
  • Updated: June 26, 2019
  • Progress updates: 4 updates