No good will come of this
February 23, 2018
April 22, 2018

No good will come of this

Project info
Rievaulx by Ann Kingstone
Coat / Jacket
Needles & yarn
Noro Cash Iroha(カシミアいろは)
27 yards in stash
10.78 skeins = 1335.7 yards (1221.4 meters), 539 grams
14 K

adjusting gauge for yarn weight. Knitting in the round (rather than a cardy) as can tell the yarn has a tendency to stretch - and because I need a new hoodie. Little bit of yarn chicken. So far, knock on wood, it seems to be working out.

The pattern, as with all Ann Kingstone patterns, is gorgeous.

Finished with 11grams spare. Definitely wouldn’t knit with this yarn again, but at least I have finally used it.

Hoodie rather than cardigan & started slightly higher on hips. To knit in the round, put 6 knit stitches inbetween the two front cable bands cast these off at start of armholes. Adjusted ribbing edge to ensure that the knits & purls lined up for the cable.

Did do a 6th pattern repeat on the arms (I have long arms..)

On chart E, on row 5 I knit together the purl stitches at either end of the chart (ending with 10 p stitches) so that the ribbing edge would flow more smoothly from pattern. this meant I also adjusted pattern slightly in ribbing edge for symmetry.

Note on binding off: Did a yarnover every 4th stitch binding off the hood. Did a yarnover every 2nd stitch binding off the cuffs. Happy with both choices.

British banter challenge #3
this yarn has is so deep stash I almost got the bends fishing it out. It’s from a John Lewis annual haberdashery sale in, I think, 2005. Bought when I was a novice knitter and didn’t know better.

viewed 516 times | helped 2 people
February 23, 2018
April 22, 2018
About this pattern
13 projects, in 166 queues
Anggerek's overall rating
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Anggerek's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Noro
40% Silk, 30% Wool, 20% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
100 yards / 40 grams

5284 projects

stashed 6255 times

Anggerek's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 8, 2018
  • Project created: March 7, 2018
  • Finished: April 22, 2018
  • Updated: November 20, 2018