Double Diamond Hat (1600)
January 2010
January 2011

Double Diamond Hat (1600)

Project info
Historic Double Diamond Hat by Anne DesMoines
a Friend
Needles & yarn
US 0 - 2.0 mm

Handspun yarn, about 15 wpi. Hand dyed, using goldenrod, commercial green overdyed with osage. I promised a re-enactor friend I would make him a green and yellow hat. This one seemed perfect, so off I went on another project. I can’t believe how ‘tall’ these medieval hats are. It’s going to make a 6’ + man very tall.

Graphing this one out was an exercise in patience. Once I got that done, I sailed away. Got to the simple stripes and…..darn! Made mistakes and had to frog back to the diamonds. Frustrated, but will pick it back up in a couple of days and get it done. He’d best love it……..

Finally finished off the last of it. Can’t believe it took so long to find it after I packed it up. Still not totally satisfied with the very center of the crown, but I know how to make it better next time.

viewed 209 times | helped 2 people
January 2010
January 2011
About this pattern
1 project, in 7 queues
AngierAnne's overall rating
AngierAnne's clarity rating
AngierAnne's difficulty rating
  • Project created: February 22, 2010
  • Finished: January 30, 2011
  • Updated: April 21, 2013
  • Progress updates: 2 updates