January 1, 2015
January 18, 2022


Project info
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
AngoraGarnet Bohus Angora-Merino
Stickfest i Väst
Geilsk Tynd Uld
Höjdens Fårgård finull
Fårfest i Kil
Rauma Finullgarn

January 2022:
My latest crafting has been adding a brim to this hat. Which is now an old-hat-given-a-longer-life

I knit it a long time ago, was not especially happy with it, but have used it when running since it is really lightweight, despite the wool and colourwork. It was originally knitted in @Geilsk Tynd Uld plus some unknown grey wool yarn.

It was always an annoying 1.5 cm too short, and a bit floppy brim with that. So - decided to add a decent ribbing! Picked up stitches, used a bunch of leftovers in light and dark grey for stripes (@Geilsk Tynd Uld, @Raumagarn finullsgarn, @angoragarnet and unknowns) giving the stripes a bit of a variegated look. Which I think turned out nice! The finishing i-cord is made in a pretty pink Swedish Finewool yarn, bred and dyed at @livetpåhöjden . (Now running out of grey wool yarn stash - how can that be?!)

Soaked and dried flat, and here is the new version! Done and dusted!

January 2015:
This is my Holiday slooow knitting.

It is going to be a hat - maybe for me? I found the colourwork patterns in my new book Selbuvotter - Norweigian traditional mittens. Started out with 152 stitches.

If you have seen my previous projects, you will notice that this is also a de-stash project. I have used the leftovers from my sample for Bianca Maria.

…done! Not an easy thing to photograph yourself and aim right!! And now you didn’t get to see the pretty tassle, but I am happy with the hat!

viewed 97 times
January 1, 2015
January 18, 2022
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Rauma
100% Wool
191 yards / 50 grams

28535 projects

stashed 17834 times

AnitaYarn's star rating
About this yarn
by Geilsk
Light Fingering
100% Wool
314 yards / 50 grams

2917 projects

stashed 2131 times

AnitaYarn's star rating
About this yarn
by AngoraGarnet
50% Angora, 50% Merino
656 yards / 100 grams

473 projects

stashed 512 times

AnitaYarn's star rating
  • Project created: January 6, 2015
  • Finished: January 13, 2015
  • Updated: January 19, 2022