Confetti Cake Cardigan
This project is an UGH!
May 17, 2016
July 22, 2016

Confetti Cake Cardigan

Project info
Laika by Ysolda Teague
ESK Badges
Needles & yarn
2,093 yards = 5.3 skeins
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
2370 yards in stash
4 skeins = 1580.0 yards (1444.8 meters)
Eat Sleep Knit
March 9, 2016
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
790 yards in stash
1.3 skeins = 513.5 yards (469.5 meters)
Eat Sleep Knit
June 1, 2016

-Jumperoo (20 pts)
-Swatchbuckler (5 pts)

May 12-
Knit Swatch.
Got overzealous and cast on 46 stitches (5 on either end and 36 of pattern- or 6 repeats). Knit 40 rows in pattern and 10 of garter at top and bottom.

Dimensions of Unblocked Swatch:
Total Height: 6 inches
Total Width: 9.5 inches
Pattern Height: 4.5 inches
Pattern Width: 7.5 inches

Dimensions of Blocked Swatch:
Total Height: 6.5 inches
Total Width: 10.25 inches
Pattern Height: 4.75 inches
Pattern Width: 8.5

May 13-
Cast-on for size 40.
Decided to provisionally cast-on for easy access to knit the hood later. Will see how that works out.

Started pondering doing the button band in a contrasting color. Thinking about Mad Tosh Pop Rocks which of course was just announced as discontinued this week… so we’ll see if I can snag a skein. But I really love how it looks against CWD.

Knit 26 rows of yoke.

May 14-
Knit first grouping of increases every RS row.

May 15-
Began section of knitting Increases every other RS row

May 16-
Finished section from yesterday

May 17-
Separated for arms, knit first few rows

May 19-
Knit body decrease rounds.

Wayyyy too big!! And holding the yarn doubled for the edging was heavy and just pulled the lace down to my thighs :(

Reclaimed the yarn for a Customfit Cardigan.

viewed 78 times
This project is an UGH!
May 17, 2016
July 22, 2016
About this pattern
from Ysolda
278 projects, in 512 queues
Applesin's overall rating
Applesin's clarity rating
Applesin's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
462 yards / 130 grams

56764 projects

stashed 55577 times

Applesin's star rating
Applesin's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Favorite
  2. Vibrant
  3. Durable
  • Originally queued: March 10, 2016
  • Project created: May 12, 2016
  • Frogged: July 24, 2016
  • Updated: December 4, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates