Kenneth's Agfhan
November 15, 2013
May 24, 2014

Kenneth's Agfhan

Project info
Approx 60" x 80" before blocking
Needles & yarn
US 10 - 6.0 mm
3,824 yards = 8 skeins
Cascade Yarns ® Eco+
4 skeins = 1912.0 yards (1748.3 meters), 1000 grams
Cascade Yarns ® Eco+
4 skeins = 1912.0 yards (1748.3 meters), 1000 grams

This project is based on the Rainbow Zigzag stitch pattern given on pg. 50 of Carroll and Hall’s The Pattern Library: Knitting.

I used 25 repeats of the pattern, so cast on 303 stitches (25 x 12) + 3 to get my width of 60”. I’m planning on a total length of about 84” (after blocking).

I’m doing 8 repeats of the two-row pattern (16 rows) for each color, alternating stripes of black and charcoal gray, for a total of 25 stripes.

I decided not to carry the alternate color yarn up the side because of the width of the stripes, but am knitting in the ends as I go.

A note to anyone who uses this stitch pattern, be aware that because of the alternating rows of double increases and double decreases, any markers you place will continually move to the left by one stitch in the decrease rows.

viewed 19 times
November 15, 2013
May 24, 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
478 yards / 250 grams

24783 projects

stashed 12486 times

Arcimboldo's star rating
  • Project created: January 8, 2014
  • Finished: May 24, 2014
  • Updated: January 21, 2021
  • Progress updates: 6 updates