Irish Hiking Hat - worsted
December 11, 2011
December 16, 2011

Irish Hiking Hat - worsted

Project info
Irish Hiking Hat - Worsted Version by Sleepycat
HatBeanie, Toque
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
50/50 wool mohair
in stash
September 1, 2011

12-16-11 Turned out ok without opening up the seam. Did need to add rows between the cable band and the spiral decrease start. Will write up changes for this pattern for myself. Do really like the yarn for this hat - it’s soft and will be very warm.

12-15-11 Not sure what possessed me to knit this. The cabled band is a tad too loose - ergo, next one, knit the cabled band about 3/4” shorter than needed. The seaming will add the extra. Mulling over whether to unpick seam, frog a bit, and reseam. Not an attractive idea.

12-14-11 Have already made modifications. Also - definitely a good idea to block the cabled band before seaming and continuing on.

viewed 39 times | helped 1 person
December 11, 2011
December 16, 2011
About this pattern
178 projects, in 266 queues
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  • Originally queued: December 10, 2011
  • Project created: December 11, 2011
  • Updated: December 17, 2011
  • Progress updates: 2 updates