First pattern with SHORT ROWS!!
Going to use W&T method, and I won’t pick up my wraps, just to see what that looks like.
I learned German Rows, I think that will be my favorite short row method in general.
I just finished the garter row repeat of section one, I have 104 stiches on my needle now.
Next up is the first eyelet and then short rows in section 2!
I flubbed something up with my stitch count in the eyelet rows and didn’t catch it until I got well into my short rows. I was so excited to get to the SWs that I didn’t check my math and stitch count.
I ripped it back today at lunch. I’ll give it another go this evening.
I may add another section (s), depending on the amount of yarn I have at the end of section 4.
Stitch count:
Section 1 = 104 sts
Eyelet Row 1 = 108 sts
Section 2 = 128 sts
Eyelet Row 2 = 136 sts
Section 3 = 176 sts
Eyelet Row 3 = 188 sts
Section 4 = 248 sts
06-23-2018 - Bye for Now to Aunt Eunice
I just returned from my aunt Eunice’s funeral on 6/20/2018. She passed away on 6/14/2018 after an extended fight with cancer. God rest her soul.
My aunt Lennie, her younger sister, spent the last two weeks of my Eunice’s aunt’s life caring for her until the very end. I’m knitting this Auspice shawl as a token of my love and appreciation for her. I will shower her with knitted gifts as long as I am able to knit.
Well into section 3 now. I could see this shawl being finished by next weekend, unless something doesn’t go as planned. I want to take this finished shawl with me to my family reunion in Las Vegas next month to give to aunt Lennie.
Starting the 23rd round of section 4.
Trying to decide what to do because I have a lot of yarn left at this point. (will weigh at the end of this section) I don’t want to let all of this lovely yarn go to waste.
I was thinking of doing a repeat of the eyelet row and then knitting back and forth for some rows. I will look at other projects for inspiration.
Finished section 4.
I have 26 grams of this gorgeous yarn left. I want to use as much of it as I can, but I don’t want to alter the construction of the original pattern to much because it is beautiful. Researching.
First round of eyelet row - 13 grams left - might need to go into garter rows, or I will be playing yarn chicken!
I’m following @ Yarnmagpieuk ‘s pattern ending!
<< Repeat eyelet rows 1 and 2 twice more. 15g yarn left.
Knit three repeats of plain garter stitch, increasing at the beginning and end of each RS row. I knit the final WS row onto 6mm needles for a looser bind off as I tend to knit tight when casting off. 6g yarn left.
Used the Russian cast off. 4g yarn remaining »
06-30-2018 - Eyelet Row Error
I was reading through some projects and saw that I wasn’t the only one who had problems with the eyelet rows.
The repeat has 4 sts between the double yo’s until the end where there is only two sts after the last double yo.
I was knitting (double yo, 2 sts, double yo) when I made my error. Hope this helps someone!
My mesh is not 100% perfect but I can make it nice when I block it. It is very pretty and just a few more rows of garter and bind-off and it will be off the needles. It will be nice for my aunt.
Upon further examination, I discovered that my second row of add on eyelets at the end of the pattern after section 4 were off for some reason so I am tinking that row out and I will just end with the one perfect row of eyelets and then garter stitch for a few rows before bind off. I couldn’t just let that weird last bit of eyelets stay and they are not actually necessary.
Now I have to figure out how many rows of garter would be good to finish the pattern.
I removed the extra row of eyelets and did about 3-4 rows of garter and the bound off using Jenny’s Stretchy BO. It’s so beautiful!
07-12-2018 - Blocking Time!
This has been off the needles for a while but I have been busy preparing for my vacation. I will sew ends and block this evening.