Silky Capture
March 19, 2016
March 27, 2016

Silky Capture

Project info
Capture by Lisa Mutch
Neck / TorsoCowl
150 sts
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
3.5 stitches = 1 inch
in Stockinette stitch
Malabrigo Yarn Silky Merino
15 yards in stash
1.9 skeins = 284.6 yards (260.3 meters), 95 grams
Eat.Sleep.Knit in Dallas, Georgia
January 1, 2016

Make sure to use a very stretchy cast-on method. Try

Twisted German cast-on method next time!

CO 150 sts using cable cast on (my favorite) I plan to knit to 25 grams then switch directions until out of yarn for each skein. Knitting with bamboo needles with the blunter tips because stainless needles was causing me to split the yarn. This is a fun knit! Too bad I couldn’t join the ESK flash KAL. Maybe next time. :)


I’m at 8 or 9 YO’s and I still have about 30 grams of yarn left. I don’t want this thing to be huge, my sections don’t need to be more than 3 inches for this scarf, it’s spring.


I’m going to have to tink back, I missed a YO somewhere since I started the ssk portion of the pattern. I love the pattern, I can see it working with so many different type of yams, but golly if you miss one YO….


I tinked back past a couple of problems, one with missed YO, and another with at least two missed dropped stitches. Takes so long to tink back, I also knitted back up to where I started. I THINK I have this down now. I just need to be very precise and read my knitting. I love this pattern though. I can envision it knitted with so many different yarns.


I totally should have cast on with a size or two larger needle. I’ll remember to do that next time I knit this. There will be a next time. :)


I’m on the home stretch. I love this pattern. This yarn however has a lot of “slubs”. I don’t mind the thick and thin parts of the yarn, but big hunks of fiber that I have to pick out is a bit annoying. I won’t use this yarn to knit my sister a gift. It’s fine for me however :)


Finished knitting. The cast on edge is waaaay tighter than the bind off edge. I have to learn a stretchy cast on already. SMH. I’ll try to fix that as much as possible when I block. I only had a small amount of yarn left out of the two skeins, 10 YOs each section, 150 stitches.
The photo with the remaining yarn is the most true color.


iknitwithcatfur - instructional YouTube on the Twisted German cast on. Gives more stretch. Another option would be to cast on with a larger needle as well.

viewed 262 times | helped 1 person
March 19, 2016
March 27, 2016
About this pattern
473 projects, in 505 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
51% Silk, 49% Merino
150 yards / 50 grams

28894 projects

stashed 25999 times

AtlantaJJ's star rating
  • Originally queued: March 12, 2016
  • Project created: March 18, 2016
  • Finished: April 16, 2016
  • Updated: August 29, 2016
  • Progress updates: 7 updates