Love this scarf, I plan to knit it again soon.
The decrease edge is nice and neat looking because of the decrease stitch. The increase edge is not as crisp because of the kfb increase stitch. I wonder if there is an increase stitch that would create a neater edge… hmmmmm
It didn’t take me long at all to knit this. I just didn’t feel like knotting all the fridge so I tucked it away in my finish later bin. I only knotted half of the fringe, and quite frankly it’s better knotted.
I love the drape off the yarn after I gave it a soak and laid it out. I didn’t pin the fringe, I just laid it out on the ironing board to dry.
Going to come back to this one after the holiday season. I had too much ADD going on to finish knotting all the fringe. I’ll come back to this after I finish all of my holiday knitting.
I’m all finished except for the unraveling and blocking!! I love it! I made the scarf with yarn to spare out of two balls.
It is going to take me a while to knot each one of these fringes because they don’t seem very stable on their own…. might be my fault #newbieknitter
79 stitches, with 2 yards of yarn remaining..whoo
6-14-2013 - Whew, this has been a slow knit week. I’m up to 71 stitches. I wonder if I will have yarn left by the time I reach 79 stitches. I bought 3 balls because I was worried about running out this first time around. 14 rows to go, we shall see!
It would be awesome if I could knit this scarf with two balls. Gifts for everybody! lol
Made it up to 50 sts today. Not much knitting time. I wrote out the decrease stitch count. I need the counts to help me stay on track with my newbie knitting skills.
Cast on today and completed through panel 4 (40 stitches). So excited to be making this scarf. I think I could make 5 of these. I would love to make one for my sister in navy linen…
6-7-2013 - This project might leap frog ahead of everything else because I have the yarn and I want a pretty summer weight scarf….
Thinking about making this again. I can’t find the pattern though!!