I love this pattern. The resulting shawl it is not a clear cut triangle, but more of a crescent shape. The pattern is well-written, I found it easy to follow. This was my very first lace project, and I learned sooo much in the process! For a first lace project, I think I did rather well! And I enjoyed knitting every bit of it :).
April 18: Finished! The picot bind off took ages, but wasn’t hard. I immediately washed and blocked it. Oh the miracles that happened during blocking! I had read about it, but seeing for yourself how much more even it looks is a whole different experience… Ready to wear for Easter!
April 14: I finished the chart! I carried up my lifeline every two rows, and needed it once. Now only thee more rows before I can bind off. It’ll be ready to wear for Easter, yeey!
April 6: I’m well into the chart now, and so far working from a chart is much easier than I thought.
It helped to color ever wrong side row on the chart to stay on track.
April 4: Only three more rows to knit until I’ll hit the chart-section! I practiced a bit on the swatch that I made earlier, and it seems doable (after I realized that there were two knit stitches at the edge that I kept forgetting about…). Also, only last week I realized there are different ways to do yarn-overs, dependent on whether the stitches to the left and right are knit or purl stitches. Beginners-mistake, woopsy! I’m glad to have discovered this before I hit the lace section :).
Also, I ordered blocking wires :D! It was a bit of a search to find a shop in the Netherlands that has them, but I managed :).
February 8: Grr, I just realized I was send the wrong circular knitting needle. So I’ve been knitting with one size too small all this time… I was already doubting whether it wasn’t too tight. I decided to take the radical approach: I frogged it all and started anew with the larger needles. Feels better now, more stretchy. Luckily, the yarn is still fine, despite the fact that I started anew a couple of times. I continue to use lifelines (and I needed them again already), I don’t want to frog again. I re-insert a lifeline every four rows or so, and I might start doing it after two if my scarf grows bigger.
January 16: I love how the scarf grows under my hands. The yarn feels lovely soft. I do use safety lines: I find that knitting back is quite difficult in this pattern.
January 10: I’ve cast on in main yarn. Bit tricky because it’s so small, but the techniques are not really difficult. And it gets easier as you go, as the project grows bigger. It’s fun! I did have to start over a couple of times before I got here though, that garter tab cast on is not easy with lace weight yarn.
January 8: This project requires many techniques that I don’t master yet, so I started with a trial piece in cheap yarn. I already learned a lot: garter tab cast on, kyok, ktbl, ptbl, yo between knit and purl stitches… Oh how I love YouTube tutorials… Going well!