Sock 5: Half HK Heel & French Toe
December 26, 2021
January 27, 2022

Sock 5: Half HK Heel & French Toe

Project info
Beth Christmas 2022
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 2 - 2.75 mm
30 stitches and 44 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
Patons North America Kroy Socks FX
166 yards in stash
1 skein = 166.0 yards (151.8 meters), 50 grams
Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts in Missouri
June 2015

Dec 26, 2021.

This is my 4th sock from Weldon’s Practical Stocking knitter. See here for a brief description and some useful links.

LTCO 60 sts. Used US#2 for just the cast on. Worked the rest of the sock on US#1.5 needles. Want it to fit a US size 7 foot.

Only the toe (French Toe) is from Weldon’s Practical Knitting magazine. Not the heel.

Half Handkerchief Heel
I am doing a cuff down version. This is also called a V-Heel and a Flat-Iron Heel. I guess the latter name is because the heel turn looks like the front half of a clothes iron.
A description of this heel is available on page 60 of Nancy Bush’s Folk Socks book. A Half Handkerchief heel uses the same essential technique as a French/Round heel. You start the heel turn exactly at the midpoint of the heel flap. Therefore, it’s narrower than the French (Round) Heel or the Modified French (Rounder) Heel.

I found this Heels by Number article by Criminy Jickets to be most useful.

Heel Flap:
Knit the heel flap over 1/2 the total number of sts, in my case 30 sts.
Set up row 1: k15, turn.
Set up row 2: sl1, p29, turn.
Row 3: sl1, k to the end.
Row 4: sl1, p to the end.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 for a total of 14 more times. 14 side selvedge sts created.

Turn Heel:
Row 1: sl1, k14, (you are at the middle of the heel flap), pm, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 2: sl1, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3: sl1, k to 1 st before gap, ssk (one st on each side of the gap), k1, turn.
Row 4: sl1, p to 1 st before gap, p2tog (one st on each side of the gap), p1, turn.
Repeat Rows 3 and 4 until all sts are worked, ending with a WS row.

RS Row 1: Knit to the middle of the row. This is needle 4. Start a new needle. Call it Needle 1. Knit the remaining sts. Pick up and knit 16 sts along the side. Knit the instep sts on Needles 2 and 3 (two needles with instep sts). Next pick up another 16 sts on the side and knit the remaining sts on the 4th needle.

Reduce sts as follows:
N1: knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Knit sts on N2 and N3.
N4: k1, ssk, k to the end.
Reduce on alternate rows until you get to 60 sts again.

The socks are meant for a US size 7 feet.

French Toe
Roxanne Richardson’s video on French Toes. This is one of the toes described in Weldon’s Practical Knitting Series 1. I worked an SSK instead of the sl1, k1, psso suggested in Weldon’s.

The toe starts at the middle of the instep. Divide sts equally over 3 dpns.
Row 1: Over needle 1 work k1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before the end, k2tog, k1. Do this again for the remaining 2 needles. 6 sts rediuced.
Row 2. Knit.
Repeat these 2 rows until 12 sts remain.
The 7:34 min mark of this Roxanne Richardson video has a very useful tip on how to quickly transfer the last 12 stitches for grafting. Kitchener graft to close.

I usually graft with the technique presented in this Suzanne Bryan video. For this sock, I tried a slightly different method presented in this Roxanne Richardson video.
After arranging the sts for grafting, do this on each needle:
sl1 k-wise, sl1 p-wise, pass the first slipped st over the 2nd. Slip the next 2 sts. Now 2 sts remain. Pass the last (6th) st over the st before (5th st).

Heel to beginning of toe: 6.75”
Cuff to beginning of heel: 5.75”
Circumference: 7.5”

Measurements after blocking:
Cuff to beginning of heel flap: 15cm
Cuff to bottom of the heel: 21cm
Back of the heel to the tip of the toe: 20.7m
Ankle (diagonal): 12.8cm; 12cm
Width-leg: 10cm
Width-ball of the foot: 9.5cm

I could have added an inch to the cuff length without running out of yarn.



viewed 60 times
December 26, 2021
January 27, 2022
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Patons North America
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
166 yards / 50 grams

22884 projects

stashed 15682 times

BandytKnits' star rating
  • Project created: December 26, 2021
  • Finished: January 26, 2022
  • Updated: May 2, 2024