September 29, 2009
March 19, 2010


Project info
Damson by Ysolda Teague
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
a friend
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Dream in Color Smooshy 100% Merino
1.25 skeins = 562.5 yards (514.4 meters), 141 grams
Eat.Sleep.Knit in Dallas, Georgia

Needed a simple ‘don’t need to think’ knit and this fit the bill nicely. Hope to use it as a Hogswatch gift for a friend of mine.

I call this the ‘never ending’ project. But it finally did. I ended up using a LOT more yarn than the pattern called for :( and was thankful I had extra in my stash. I also used the Infinity Knot lace charts for 5 of the panels around the edge.

This yarn expanded a TONNE when wet! I ended up with more of a shawl than a shawlette. But, in retrospect, it’s probably a good thing since the intended recipient is broad shouldered like myself. I like the way it fits on me so I’m going to go with it. I had already gone with a bit larger gauge to accommodate for this (~5 sts per inch) but I must say that I’m very pleased with the final result.

viewed 248 times | helped 4 people
September 29, 2009
March 19, 2010
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Dream in Color
100% Merino
450 yards / 113 grams

30368 projects

stashed 26642 times

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  • Project created: September 30, 2009
  • Updated: March 20, 2010
  • Progress updates: 4 updates