Lovely Pattern! DS LOVES his!!
Several people have asked about details for the 2-colour switches.
On the bottom band, I worked up to the required length making sure to end with a knit row of the contrast colour.
I then switched to the main colour and purled one row all the way around.
I then started the charts and worked the required length.
Once the required length was reached, I knit one row plain all the way around in the main colour.
I then switched to the contrast colour and purled the first row of the garter stitch band.
I worked 5 more rows of garter stitch ending in a knit row.
I then switched back to the main colour and knit one row around while binding off the necessary armhole stitches.
I then proceeded with the front and back as described.
I did make one other change to the back - I did the double knit stitch in the center just because I’m OCD about symmetry. ;)
The i-cord binding is done completely in the contrast colour.
One note about the i-cord binding that I wish I would have had before working the project - work it VERY loosely! I’d be tempted to put an extra stitch through on every 5th or 6th stitch picked up just to ensure it had some give to it. I thought about ripping my out and reworking it but my DS is so attached to the vest that I don’t think he could handle the trauma. ;)