Goddamn Sweater (Ravelympics WIPs Dancing)
August 5, 2009
March 30, 2010

Goddamn Sweater (Ravelympics WIPs Dancing)

Project info
Seamless Hybrid with Shirt Yoke by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Valley Yarns Northampton
371 yards in stash
5.5 skeins = 1358.5 yards (1242.2 meters), 550 grams
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts

I bought this yarn at Stitches in 2008 to replicate a sweater that John already has. I am basing the arms and body on the measurements of the original sweater. Instead of set-in sleeves I am going to do the Seamless Hybrid shaping.

8/5/09 Cast on for a sleeve tonight. I am not sure if I’ll keep it, but I figured if it could act as a sleeve and a swatch I would be that much further ahead.

  • Cast on 48 stitches
  • Knit in 2x2 rib for 12 rows
  • Knit 2 rows plain
  • Increase on next row, knit four rows plain

8/6/09 OK. That didn’t work so well. The gauge was bigger than I had hoped, so my sleeve actually turned into a swatch. I went down one needle size. No dice. I went down another needle size. Much better. The gauge is tighter and I like the fabric much more. Time for new calculations!

Both sleeves done. Stored in Miz Mooz box in craft room.

2/11/10 This project has been hibernating since August or September when I finished the sleeves.

I have been reading EZ and measuring my sleeves in prep to re-start this project for the Ravelympics.

  1. I think the gauge is where I want it, but I need to measure under better light. Right now I think 210 stitches for the body is about right. Unfortunately, my sleeves were not calculated using EPS so the proportions of this sweater might be a tad off.
  2. I think the sleeves are too long by about three inches. I am going to have John try them on and rip back if necessary. I think there will still be plenty of room as the template sweater fits fine.

2/14/10 I cast on for the body Friday evening and am 8+ inches in. I have been watching Knitting Workshop and now a little worried that I cast on too many stitches for the ribbing (208 stitches). In EZ’s example she does knit garter for the border, which would inherently be wider than stockinette. Therefore I am hoping that the 2x2 ribbing will bring things in a bit.

I also realized the yoke shaping I want is not the seamless hybrid, but the shirt yoke saddle shoulder. I tried to read the directions and my brain hurt, so I am going to wait until I am closer to the yoke shaping and watch that episode of Knitting Workshop.

viewed 1714 times
August 5, 2009
March 30, 2010
About this pattern
342 projects, in 302 queues
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About this yarn
by Valley Yarns
100% Wool
247 yards / 100 grams

10845 projects

stashed 6505 times

BigSister's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 4, 2009
  • Project created: August 6, 2009
  • Finished: April 1, 2010
  • Updated: May 5, 2010
  • Progress updates: 4 updates