October 13, 2023
Tiny square : 8 stitches x 8 stitches
With Long Tail Cast On, CO 17 sts,
Step up Row, WS : K16, P1 (17 sts)
Row 1 (RS) : slp1, K6, s2kp, K6, P1 (15 sts)
Row 2 (WS) : slp1, K14
Row 3 (RS) : slp1, K5, s2kp, K5, P1 (13 sts)
Row 4 (WS) : slp1, K12
Row 5 (RS) : slp1, K4, s2kp, K4, P1 (11 sts)
Row 6 (WS) : slp1, K10
Row 7 (RS) : slp1, K3, s2kp, K3, P1 (9 sts)
Row 8 (WS) : slp1, K8
Row 9 (RS) : slp1, K2, s2kp, K2, P1 (7 sts)
Row 10 (WS) : slp1, K6
Row 11 (RS) : slp1, K1, s2kp, K1, P1 (5 sts)
Row 12 (WS) : slp1, K4
Row 13 (RS) : slp1, s2kp, P1 (3 sts)
Row 14 (WS) : slp1, K1, P1
Row 15 (RS) : s2kp (1st)
October 19, 2023
Before Clue 3, with color A :
RS : k2, ssk, k to m, M1R, slm, k2, slm, M1L, k to last 3 sts, sl3 wyif
WS : k2, ssk, p to m, slm, p2, slm, p to last 3 sts, sl3 wyif
October 25, 2023
Clue 3
To be symmetrical I started section 12 with a purl row and I read the pattern backwards.
October 27, 2023
Before Clue 4
Color D
RS : Pick up and knit 13 sts, turn (13sts)
WS : K13, pick up and knit 1, turn. (14 sts)
RS : K6, yo, k3, yo, k5, pick up and knit 1, turn (17 sts)
WS : K17, pick up and knit 1, turn (18 sts)
RS : K7, yo, k5, yo, k6, pick up and knit 1, turn (21 sts)
WS : K21, pick up and knit 1, turn (22 sts)
Color A
RS : K8, yo, k7, yo, k7, pick up and knit 1, turn (25 sts)
WS : K25, pick up and knit 1, turn (26 sts)
RS : K9, yo, k9, yo, k8, pick up and knit 1, turn (29 sts)
WS : K29, pick up and knit 1, turn (30 sts)
continue in the same way with color B (38 sts), then color C (46 sts)
Color D
RS : K15, yo, k7, yo, k3, yo, k7, yo, k14, pick up and knit 1, turn (51 sts)
WS : K51, pick up and knit 1, turn (52 sts)
RS : K16, yo, k9, yo, k5, yo, k9, yo, k15, pick up and knit 1, turn (57 sts)
WS : K57, pick up and knit 1, turn (58 sts)
continue in the same way with color A, B, C
Then 2 rows color D
Clue 4
Color A
Row 1 : Pick up and knit 536 sts (multiple of 5 + 1)
Row 2 : 540 sts
Row 6 : 544 sts
14 g
Color B
Row 7-12
23 g