June 15
Started working again, after one month…
I think my gauge is slightly smaller, so I added one extra cable in the back. I think I’ll add extra cables in the front, too. I noticed that n the pattern photographs there are 7 cables in the front, while on the pattern there are only 3… that gives little or no coverage in the front, if you really want to wear this without a bra, as the model does… so I will try to modify it.
June 17
Everything smooth, except that I’m not sure whether it’s small or not… looks tiny, like the one on the model… but I have a generous bust, I’m afraid it won’t cover it… so I added four stitches in the front, to begin with, and I’m trying to knit more loosely. Also, adding 3 or 4 repeats of central cable section.
June 25
I ended up adding 4 extra repeats in the centre (repeated rows 230-40). This way it looks like the sample in the photographs (on Ravelry). I still think it will be a bit small for my bust, but I’ve gone so far, I will finish it, and see if I can adjust it…
But am very frustrated with the pattern. It has countless errors, mainly in the rows where the cables are placed… and some instructions are obviously missing…
Basically, some of the cables are on the wrong row, but you can easily figure it out if you see the row count is wrong, or if they’re on a purl row instead of a knit row.
Also, you are supposed to do more repeats of the central 10 rows in the front if you want actual coverage, that is, if you want to make something like the garment shown on the pattern page here on Ravelry. The one shown in the magazine appears to be shorter in the centre, but the two tips seem longer…
Anyhow, I managed to make this work. It’s definitely smaller than the one on the model, but I think it suits me well… ^_^