"Did you wish *really* hard?"
April 24, 2012
July 21, 2012

"Did you wish *really* hard?"

Project info
Bigger on the inside by Kate Atherley
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Me, and Idris
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
The Fibre Co. Canopy Fingering
30 yards in stash
3.85 skeins = 770.0 yards (704.1 meters), 192 grams
Lettuce Knit
April 23, 2012

This is a slightly embiggened version: two more TARDISes long, and a little wider in the Time Vortex Lace (one extra repeat of the increase and decrease sections).

Final embiggening modifications: Do the lace increase and decrease charts EIGHT times each, for a total of 58 stitches at the widest point. When doing the centre lace chart (x3), do the 6-stitch repeat NINE times each row. Pick up 351 sts. for the TARDIS section, and do the 20-stitch repeat 17 times. You can also add a couple more purl rows (RS purl, WS knit) above and below the TARDISes in that section to add a little more length The Math for this is in the notes below, dated May 6.

An additional way to lengthen it without changing much about the pattern (not done on mine, but from opallady ): “add an extra row in each of the three panel sections of the pattern--an extra row after row 20, row 26, and row 32. This makes my Tardis better reflect the proportions of a genuine police call box.”

April 24, ‘12: I need something to do on the subway tonight, so I’m swatching the Canopy Fingering in Macaw. Er, is gauge really critical for this? I mean, it’s a shawl. Hrm. Like I said, something to do on the subway tonight. At least maybe I’ll memorize the lace pattern early this way.

April 27, ‘12: HAHAHAAA, now that I’ve knit and stretched out the ‘Time Vortex Lace’ pattern, I get it.

April 29, ‘12: Swatches finished, will block them later. I love this yarn. LOVE. Even though it turns my hands blue. It is too soft and nommy for me to care. That’ll wash out.

Thursday, May 3, ‘12: I didn’t bother blocking the swatches. Given their unblocked measurements, the worst case is that it will stretch out a little and I’ll have a larger shawl. This would not be a bad thing in any timeline.

Saturday, May 6, ‘12: I am still on the increases for the Time Vortex Lace.

However, I’ve decided I definitely want this to be larger, more than just a shoulder-cover, so I’d like to embiggen it in both length and width (but only on the inside, of course). The easiest way to go about this would be to add two more TARDIS repeats into the lower section (40 sts.), and determine how much longer the lace section would need to be to accommodate that.

Current pattern calls for picking up and knitting 311 sts. along one side of the lace section (380 rows) for the TARDIS section. Proportion = roughly 1 picked-up stitch per 1.221865 rows. Using the same proportion after adding in two more TARDIS repeats (+40 sts. = 351 sts. to pick up), the lace would need to have roughly 428 rows (= +48 more rows). This is a multiple of both 6 (8 more repeats of the centre lace pattern) and 24 (2 more repeats of the increase/decrease pattern). Adding 1 repeat of both the increase and decrease lace pattern will also give more width to it (adds another 6 stitches), so I’ve chosen to go with that option.

Final calculation for modifications: Do the lace increase and decrease charts EIGHT times each, for a total of 58 stitches at the widest point. When doing the centre lace chart (x3), do the 6-stitch repeat NINE times each row. Pick up 351 sts. for the TARDIS section, and do the 20-stitch repeat 17 times. I’ll probably also add a couple more rows above the TARDIS in that section to lengthen it more.

Monday, May 7, 2012: Just finished row 12 of the 7th repeat of the lace increases.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012: Finished the eight (see above) repeats of the lace increase, 58 sts. on needle. Done first row of first centre lace pattern set (9 repeats across).

Friday, May 11, 2012: About to start the third repeat of the centre lace pattern, unless this extra-large margarita I just made runs interference.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012: Now starting third (of eight) repeats of the lace decreases.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012: Well, poo. Took WIP pics today and realized once I got it into natural light that it’s glaringly obvious where I started the second skein of yarn. Despite being from the same dyelot, this skein is noticeably darker. I’m going to have to rip back and use a different skein, also staggering the skeins every couple rows for a bit. That’ll teach me to knit in low light.

Later Wednesday evening: Could have been worse. In the end, I had to rip back to the final four rows of the first set of decreases. Proceeding forward again, the change to the (new) second skein looks MUCH better, as you can see from the updated picture. Stopping for the night at row 13 of the second set of decreases.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012: The slightly embiggened Time Vortex Lace section is now done. We’ll soon see if my math works for picking up 351 sts. along the end for the TARDIS section….

Friday, June 1, 2012: Math successful! Picking up roughly 3 stitches for every 4 (plus a few extra spaced out evenly) worked out perfectly. 351 stitches picked up, I’ll be doing the TARDIS pattern 17 times across the width.

Finished Row 4 of the chart, but adding in a couple more rows here to lengthen it. Will start the actual Row 4 (with the bobbles) two more rows from now.

Saturday, June 2, 2012: Started bobble row.

Sunday, June 3, 2012: In the middle of row 7 of the TARDIS pattern. I have ripped and redone this row at least 4 times today and the previous row once or twice. Reason: I seem to be unable to parse the C2R and C2L instructions as they are written, and I was definitely NOT getting the result I should have been getting. Stitches were slanting the wrong way, or the ‘roof’ slant was not clearly defined. I instead found a description of the C2R and C2L written as cable patterns (no “knit/purl into the back of the stitch” thing), and now it makes sense. I don’t need a cable needle to do these, but thinking of them as cables with one stitch crossing in front or back of the other definitely helps. Not sure why that was so difficult to wrap my brain around.

Now most of the way through row 7 again, and it looks much better.

Tuesday, June 6, 2012: Now at Row 10 of the TARDISes, and just about ready to start the third skein. Having learned my lesson the last time, I will not use the “dark” skein that I already have wound into a ball — luckily I have a third skein that more closely matches the two I’ve already used — and I’ll stagger the rows starting now.

Thursday, June 8, 2012: Just finished Row 13 of the TARDIS. Hrm, this new skein seems to be a little on the dark side as well. Will do another couple rows and get a good look at this in natural light before I decide — if the transition is really noticable, I’ll have to rip back to the pick-up row and attach the new ball there.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012: Got through Row 16 of the TARDIS, took at good look at things outside in natural light, and decided the transition was too noticeable and it would bother me. Today I ripped back to the pick-up row and restarted the section. Now once again on Row 3.

Sunday, June 24, 2012: Finished through row 15 of TARDISes again. Taught myself to purl from the opposite side during the bobble row so that I wouldn’t have to turn my work every time I did one of those bobbles. I suspect this will come in handy the next time I do entrelac again. Mental note: Should teach self to knit from wrong side, too.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012: Note to self Next row will be Row 29, working on wrong side.

It’s possible that I’ll need to go into the fourth ball of yarn (that is the much noticeably darker ball that I originally used and then ripped back out during the Time Vortex Lace). I’m hoping that between Ball 3 (slightly darker) and the second half of Ball 2 (lighter), which I’m staggering together right now, that I will get through the TARDIS lace and not have to break into that really dark (4th) ball until the bottom ribbing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012: Now into the final rows of stockinette under the TARDISes. Had to break into the Really Dark Ball, but left enough of the previous ball to stagger it in much more slowly. It’s noticeable, but this one I can live with. The bottom ribbing will be darker, which will work out nicely.

Sunday, July 15, 2012: It’s been too damn hot to sit around with a pile of wool in my lap, but yesterday was the 2012 TTC Knit-a-long. I managed to get through one inch of the bottom ribbing, so only one more inch of ribbing to go, and it’s done! It would be done already if we had a break in the weather. Argh. Soon, my pretty, soon!

Monday, July 16, 2012: I am binding off. Very. Slowly.

Saturday, July 21, 2012: Finished binding off yesterday, wove in the remaining loose end today. Done. I will get pics and mark it officially ‘finished’ when I block it.

Sunday, August 12, 2012: Still unwashed and unblocked, but I wore this to a wedding last night to fight off a touch of over-air-conditioned chill. It’s perfect and comfy warm. Not too big, not too small. I do need to wash it out, though, since I know the yarn will still bleed blue under the right combination of circumstances.

viewed 932 times | helped 59 people
April 24, 2012
July 21, 2012
About this pattern
2001 projects, in 3011 queues
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About this yarn
by The Fibre Co.
50% Alpaca, 30% Merino, 20% Rayon from Bamboo
200 yards / 50 grams

4360 projects

stashed 4711 times

BridgetJ's star rating
  • Originally queued: April 23, 2012
  • Project created: April 24, 2012
  • Finished: August 12, 2012
  • Updated: November 22, 2023
  • Progress updates: 17 updates