This is the Official Supervisor Shawl (tm), made for my long-suffering and highly-deserving PhD dissertation supervisor, Lady S. Yarn colour was chosen specifically for her — it’s very much One Of Her Colours.
Cast on Sunday Nov. 10. Thinking of modifying this to be a little wider? Will see as I get into it.
Finished first repeat of Chart 2.
Tuesday, Nov. 12: Ripped back to end of Chart 1, figured out how I wanted to do the extra increases, and I wanted to do them consistently. I’ll be adding an extra M1L between stitches 21 & 22 (Chart 2) on every row 1 and row 9 of Chart 2. This means I’ll be increasing 6 stitches for every repeat of Chart 2 rather than the charted 4. Will figure out the decreases when I get to Chart 3.
Wednesday, Nov. 13: Finished row 3 of Chart 2 fourth repeat.
Monday Nov. 18: Finished Chart 2 seventh repeat.
Wednesday Nov. 20: Was up to end of Chart 2 10th repeat, found several errors, including 2 extra rows that made one of the triangles lopsided. Sigh. Ripped back (again) to end of Chart 1. Let’s try this again.
Thursday Nov. 28: Now back to being somewhere in the middle of Chart 2 11th repeat. Haven’t noticed any glaring errors this time, also possibly not looking for them.
Saturday Nov. 30: Finished Chart 2 14th repeat, but had to rip back one repeat because I found an annoying edge error, so I currently have 13 repeats done (42 gm yarn left in ball) Should get at least one more repeat on this ball of yarn (maybe two?) before cracking the second ball and starting the decreases.
Tuesday Dec. 3: Once again finished Chart 2 14th repeat. 35 gm yarn left in ball 1.
Thursday Dec. 5: Finished Chart 2 15th repeat. 25 grams yarn left in ball 1. There’s a possibility I’ll be able to get 17 repeats, but it’ll be tight.
Monday Dec. 9: Finished Chart 2 17th repeat with just enough left in ball 1 to be sure that this is the right spot to begin the decreases and I won’t have a ton of yarn left over in the end. Starting Chart 3 first repeat. Note that I will need to put in an extra decrease (SSKtbl) between stitches 20 & 21 on every Row 1 and Row 9 of the chart in order to match the extra increases.
Sat Dec. 21: Finished Chart 3 5th repeat (of 17). Centre has been decreased to 72 stitches.
Tues Dec. 24: Finished Chart 3 6th repeat (of 17). Centre has been decreased to 66 stitches.
Mon Jan. 13, 2014: Took a short break on this from Jan. 1 - 10 to make a hat. The purple was starting to drive me a little crazy. Centre has now been decreased down to 12 stitches. SOON.
Tues. Jan. 14, 2014: Finished! This one will need to be blocked before it goes to its recipient.
Mon. June 23, 2014: Finally blocked and went to recipient today. Final yarn amounts updated.