Cast on 50 per pattern
Size 3 needles with worsted
Longer ribbing, knit 28 rows single ribbing (4”).
Making mittens instead of mitts.
Verypink align mitts tutorial
At 5” (36 rows) start thumb increases.
Thumb 17 sts, do not do m1 first row - purl next stitch tight through back loop. on next row you’ll have long thread there to do m1 (18sts). When you pick up 3 stitches later for thumb, knit 1 row then next row do double centered decrease on those 3 sts, slip 2 tog, k1 pass slipped sts over (18 sts). Knit 12 rows, k1, k2tog k2 around, knit a row, then k2tog all sts.
Knit hand section to top of little finger (23 rows from thumb) then shape top of hand.
Mark 3 center sts of ribbing (k1 above center of thumb pick up sts) for decreases, knit 12 place marker, p1, k1, p1 place marker, k12.
Every other row do decreases each side of markers. Do k2tog decrease before marker, slip marker, p1 k1 p1, slip marker ssk (slip 2nd st as if to purl)
Keep in pattern as decreasing. When 34 sts remain start decreasing every round. On very last round do double centered decrease at each side where the p1 k1 p1 is (slip two knitwise knit the purl st and pass the two slipped sts over). Run yarn through final 8 sts.
Decided not to do round shaping as I didn’t like the line showing. Did tapered sides like usual mittens then increased faster to round top.
Measurements before blocking
Width 3 3/4”
Length of cuff 4”
Hand length 8”
You may want to have smaller needle size for the cuff, I feel like my mittens slide down and feel floppy like they’re about to fall off.